What is the electron configuration of the anion Cl -?

What is the electron configuration of the anion Cl -?

The electronic configuration for Cl- can, therefore, be designated as 1s22s22p63s23p6. Again, the electron configuration for the chloride ion is the same as that for Ca2+ and Argon. Hence, they are all isoelectronic to each other.

Is electron arrangement the same as configuration?

Electron configuration can be described as how electrons are assembled within the orbitals shells and subshells of an atom. The word configuration simply means the arrangement of something. Therefore electron configuration in straightforward language means the arrangement of electrons.

What is the electron configuration of the chlorine atom after it gains an electron?

The electron configuration of a chlorine atom is [Ne]3s2 3p5. When it gains an electron and becomes an ion, its electron configuration changes to [Ne]3s2 3p6, or [Ar], the electron configuration for argon.

What is the correct electron configuration for an atom with 7 electrons?

The correct electron configuration for a ground-state atom with 7 electrons is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^3.

How many unpaired electrons are present in the ground state of nitrogen?

Three Unpaired Electrons

What is the electronic configuration of nitrogen a 7 z 14?

Therefore the N electron configuration will be 1s22s22p3.

How many electrons are in each orbital of an atom of nitrogen?

In the Bohr model, a nitrogen atom has a central nucleus, composed of seven protons and seven neutrons, surrounded by seven electrons. Two of the electrons are in the first energy level while the other five are in the second energy level.

Can nitrogen have more than 8 electrons?

The total number of valence electrons is 5+6=11. Therefore, no matter how electrons are shared between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms, there is no way for nitrogen to have an octet. It will have seven electrons, assuming that the oxygen atom does satisfy the octet.

How many electrons can Nitrogen hold?

7 electrons

Can nitrogen form more than 3 bonds?

As known, nitrogen could form 3 bonds based on octet rule, because it has 5 valence electrons. That means it needs 3 bonds.

Is nitrogen reactive or stable How do you know?

Nitrogen is a rather unreactive element, and the reason is that the N≡N bond energy is 946 kJ mol−1. This lack of reactivity is somewhat unlike other nonmetals given the position of the atom in the periodic table and the fact that nitrogen is a nonmetal having an electronegativity of 3.0 (the third highest value).

What mean 2N?

The 2n represents diploid condition. It means the cell possesses two sets of chromosomes. For example, in human 46 chromosomes shows 2n condition. The n + n represents dikaryotic condition. It means the cell possesses 2 nuclei along with 2 sets of the chromosome.