
What is the domain and range of y 2x 2?

What is the domain and range of y 2x 2?

The domain of the expression is all real numbers except where the expression is undefined. In this case, there is no real number that makes the expression undefined. The range is the set of all valid y values.

What’s another word for proportional?

Proportional Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for proportional?

commensurate corresponding
equivalent proportionate
consistent correlated
correlative equal
reciprocal related

What makes a graph proportional?

This means that as x increases, y increases and as x decreases, y decreases-and that the ratio between them always stays the same. The graph of the proportional relationship equation is a straight line through the origin.

What is the difference between proportional and non proportional?

Proportional: How to tell the difference: A proportional graph is a straight line that always goes through the origin. A non-proportional graph is a straight line that does not go through the origin.

What is the opposite word of proportional?

Antonyms: disproportional, disproportionate. proportional, relative(adj)

What is another word for inversely?

What is another word for inversely?

vice versa contrariwise
conversely oppositely
reciprocally in reverse
likewise reversed
other way round the opposite way

What is the principle of proportion?

Principle of Proportion. Proportion is the relationship of two or more elements in a design and how they compare with one another. Proportion is said to be harmonious when a correct relationship exists between the elements with respect to size or quantity.

How do you find a proportion?

A proportion is simply a statement that two ratios are equal. It can be written in two ways: as two equal fractions a/b = c/d; or using a colon, a:b = c:d. The following proportion is read as “twenty is to twenty-five as four is to five.”

Do the ratios 15 cm to 2m and 10 seconds to 3 minutes form a proportion?

As, r1≠r2, So, these two ratios do not form a proportion.

Do the ratios 15 cm to 3 m and 15 s to 3 min form a proportion?

Answer. = 3 : 100.

What is the ratio of 90cm to 1.5 Metre?

90: 150

Which of the following are in continued proportion?

4, x, 16 are in continued propotion.