
What is the difference between TU and Vuestro?

What is the difference between TU and Vuestro?

tu is second person possessive adjective.. It means “your” (singular!!) Vuestro is a possessive adjective or a pronoun. it means your or yours (plural!) .

What is Vuestro?

Vuestro is a possessive pronoun, and a possessive adjective. Hence: Vuestro can mean “your” and “yours” The difference can easily be determined when used in a sentence. Nuestro proyecto es mejor que el vuestro. = Our project is better than yours (noun)

Is Vuestro formal or informal?

“Vuestro(a)” is your (plural, informal- you all’s in improper English). “Su” is their. Also his, her, or your (formal- plural or singular). In the first conversation it appears that they are talking about other people, so you would use “their”.

What does Canijo mean in English?

Oh my God

What does Embre mean?

1 : a glowing fragment (as of coal) from a fire especially : one smoldering in ashes. 2 embers plural : the smoldering remains of a fire. 3 embers plural : slowly dying or fading emotions, memories, ideas, or responses still capable of being revived the embers of his past.

How do you greet a professor in person?

Greet these professors in a loud, clear voice, and with a clear smile, as in “hello, professor Xavier!

How do you greet a professor?

2. Use a salutation and signature. Instead of jumping right into your message or saying “hey,” begin with a greeting like “Hello” or “Good afternoon,” and then address your professor by appropriate title and last name, such as “Prof. Xavier” or “Dr.

Do college professors make you introduce yourself?

Some professors ask that you bring it with you, and most provide them the first day. Either way, make sure you understand what the class requires of you for the semester. One of the best ways to avoid that, and get over your nervousness about meeting your professors, is to simply introduce yourself.

Is it okay to text Professor?

Certainly there is no scenario that a message from a professor to a student is so urgent and personal that it can’t be sent via email. Especially with apps like Outlook and Gmail, email can be just as convenient as texting, yet can remain within the professional bounds of a student/teacher relationship.

How do you start a message to your professor?

Start your email to your professor with a “Dear” or “Hello”. This is email etiquette 101 and must be followed in professional emails. “Hey” is too casual for this situation and some professors also think “Hi” is too informal. The salutation must be followed by the professor’s title and name.

How do you write a formal email to a teacher?

How to Write a Good Email to a Teacher

  1. Use formal greetings.
  2. Use formal closing lines.
  3. Personalize greetings with names and double check spelling.
  4. Use formal titles, then follow suite.
  5. Compose in Microsoft Word, not in the email program.
  6. Provide context for the instructor.
  7. Say thank you.
  8. Keep it concise.

How do you address a female teacher in an email?

“Ms.” is generally considered acceptable for all women unless they have communicated another preference or have a more specialized title like “Dr.” I personally would not use Mr., Mrs. or Ms. and just use their full name or if they have a Doctorate degree, or are a doctor, Dr. If you have to, just use Ms.

How do you address a teacher?

Without a name, “sir” is a title of respect that you can use with anyone. You can use “sir” without a name to address someone such as a teacher, but never with a name.