
What is the difference between astonished and astounded?

What is the difference between astonished and astounded?

Astound and astonish suggest amazement, but the surprise engendered is not necessarily accompanied by the emotional pain suggested by the word stun. He was astounded by the bureaucrat’s stupidity. They were astonished by the magician’s illusions. The use of “at” instead of “by” has the effect of distancing the emotion.

What’s another word for astounding?

What is another word for astounding?

amazing astonishing
mind-boggling notable
noteworthy outstanding
phenomenal remarkable
sensational startling

What is the meaning of amazing?

(əmeɪzɪŋ ) adjective. You say that something is amazing when it is very surprising and makes you feel pleasure, approval, or wonder. It’s amazing what we can remember with a little prompting.

What is the opposite of amazing?

amazing. Antonyms: common, ordinary, familiar, trivial, commonplace, customary, frequent, usual. Synonyms: astounding, astonishing, bewildering, marvellous, prodigious, miraculous, vast, portentous, ominous, striking, wonderful, surprising, astounding, extraordinary.

Is Unamazing a word?

adjective Not amazing ; unremarkable , ordinary .

What is the opposite word of amazed?

Antonyms of AMAZED dispassionate, unemotional, unconcerned, jaded, bored, emotionless, indifferent, impassive, blase, casual, incurious, uninterested, unsurprised, unimpressed, nonchalant, disinterested, not surprised, unruffled.

What is the opposite of jubilant?

What is the opposite of jubilant?

despondent downcast
sad melancholy
sorrowful depressed
disappointed discouraged
doleful unenthusiastic

What is the best synonym for jubilant?


  • crowing,
  • exultant,
  • exulting,
  • glorying,
  • prideful,
  • proud,
  • rejoicing,
  • triumphant.

What is the meaning jubilant?

: feeling or expressing great joy : exultant the jubilant winner.

Is jubilant a feeling?

When you feel jubilant, you’re full of extreme happiness. Usually people are jubilant after great victories, whether in sports, politics, or life. When you’re jubilant, it’s a moment of extreme happiness, like giving birth or watching a child graduate.

How can I speak with vocabulary?

How can I Learn Vocabulary Words?

  1. Read…a lot. Reading everything you can get your hands on is one of the most passive and most effective ways to boost your vocabulary.
  2. Keep a Thesaurus and a Dictionary Nearby.
  3. Make Flashcards.
  4. Describe Your Surroundings.
  5. Listen to Music.
  6. Commit to Learning One New Word Every Day.