
What is the difference between an option and a priority?

What is the difference between an option and a priority?

If you have ever felt like you were just “an option” you know how amazing it feels to become someone’s priority. It is the difference between feeling liked and being loved. When you are afraid of being without someone, sometimes it’s easier to settle for being an option instead of waiting to become a priority.

When you are an option not a priority?

In the dating world, one tends to question a lot. “Where are we heading?” “Are we good for each other?” “Is he going to propose me soon?” “Does she love me the same way I do?” and so on.

How do you know you’re not a priority?

7 Major Signs Your Partner Sees You As An Option, Not A Priority

  1. All Plans Are On Their Terms.
  2. You Feel Like You Are Not As Important To Them.
  3. You Make All The Effort And Moves.
  4. Your Partner Treats You Horribly.
  5. You Feel Generally Unhappy And Misused.
  6. They Are Constantly Lying.
  7. They’re Most Interested In The Physical Side.

Do not make someone a priority when you’re only an option?

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

What to do when he doesnt make you a priority?

Talk to your partner about your concerns and how you feel. Try to come from a place of honest and open communication rather than blame. For example, saying “You did… and you did…” is not an approach that will get you very far. Instead, try to say “I feel that I’m not a priority in your life because….”

How do you make him make you his priority?

10 Ways To Become A Priority In His Life Instead Of Just An…

  1. Set boundaries.
  2. Don’t accept calls and texts at night.
  3. Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web.
  4. Make him take you on a date in public.
  5. Don’t respond to texts right away.
  6. Don’t be too available.
  7. Don’t tell him everything right away.
  8. Don’t expect him to save you or pick up your slack.