What is the charge of Cu2O?

What is the charge of Cu2O?

Re: Why is Cu2O named copper(I)oxide? Answer: In the name copper(I)oxide, the (I) stands for the charge of the copper cation. Since oxygen anion carries 2 negative charges, the two copper cations each carries one positive charge, i.e. Cu+.

What is the compound for Cu2O?


Do zn2+ ions absorb light?

2. Do Zn (2+) ions absorb visible light? Absorption of visible light by colored transition metal ions is associated with d transitions. However, Zn (2+) ions have filled d-orbitals, therefore electrons cannot be excited to these orbitals.

Why are Zn Cd and Hg not transition elements?

The elements such as Zn, Cd, and Hg are not transition elements because of their electronic configuration. The orbitals of these elements are completely filled when they are in their ground state as well as in their general oxidation state. Therefore, these elements are not transition elements.

Why Zn Cd and Hg are soft metals?

In Zn, Cd and Hg, all the e-s in d-subshell are paired. Hence the metalic bonds are present in them are weak. That’s why they are soft metals and have low melting and boiling points.

What is pseudo transition element?

Transition elements are those which have incompletely filled d orbitals in their ground state or any one of their oxidation states. That is why, they are not regarded as transition elements, and so are also called pseudo transition elements.

What do you mean by inner transition element?

What are Inner Transition Elements? The elements constituting the f-block are those in which 4f and 5f orbitals are progressively filled. These elements are formal members of group 3 but are shown separately as f-block of the periodic table. The elements of f-block are also called inner transition elements.

Why do transition elements act as catalysts?

Transition metals and their compounds are often good catalysts. Transition metals and their compounds function as catalysts either because of their ability to change oxidation state or, in the case of the metals, to adsorb other substances on to their surface and activate them in the process.

Do transition metals have low densities?

In general, transition metals possess a high density and high melting points and boiling points. These properties are due to metallic bonding by delocalized d electrons, leading to cohesion which increases with the number of shared electrons.

Why does D block elements act as catalyst?

Group D And F Block Catalyst Since they tend to exhibit variable valency, hence it results in the formation of complexes. Catalysts provide a greater surface area for the reaction to occur; hence, it provides free valencies using which the reactant molecules are absorbed on the surface.

What are the catalytic properties of D block elements?

The presence of vacant d orbitals. They have the ability to exhibit variable valencies. They have a tendency to form complex compounds.

Why D block elements can form complexes?

The elements in the d block form complexes due to the presence of the vacant d orbitals as they accommodate lone pairs of electrons, and they are small with high nuclear charge. Hence, d block elements form complexes.

Why do d block elements have variable valency?

d-block elements have variable valency because there is not much difference in the energies of 4s and 3d orbitals. ​ Explanation: As the valence electrons of d-block elements mostly reside in 4s or 3d-orbitals and there is not much difference in the energies of both 4s and 3d orbitals.

Does magnesium show variable valency?

Sodium, calcium, and magnesium belong to the s-group so they do not show variable valency. Copper is a d-block element so it shows variable valency. Copper forms a compound containing Cu+ and Cu2+ ions. Hence option (A) is correct.

Which does not show variable valency?

Solution : Group 2 elements (Ba) do not show variable valency.