What is the Bisaya of sentence?

What is the Bisaya of sentence?

English to Binisaya – Cebuano Dictionary and Thesaurus.

kapahayag : sentence (n.)
pahayag [pa.há.yag.] : clarification (n.)
hayag [há.yag.] : bright (adj.)

What is Hugpulong?

hugpulong – pulong – hug~ hug.pu.lung. – 3 syllables. hug = hugpulong.

What is a predicate definition?

1a : something that is affirmed or denied of the subject in a proposition in logic. b : a term designating a property or relation. 2 : the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said of the subject and that usually consists of a verb with or without objects, complements, or adverbial modifiers. predicate

What is predicate give example?

Here’s an example. In the sentence “The wall is purple,” the subject is “wall,” the predicate adjective is “purple” and the linking verb is “is.” So, it’s subject, verb, and predicate adjective. Enough talking about it! Let’s get right to some more examples of predicate adjectives.

How do u say predicate?

The predicate is the part of a sentence that includes the verb and verb phrase. The predicate of “The boys went to the zoo” is “went to the zoo.” We change the pronunciation of this noun (“PRED-uh-kit”) when we turn it into a verb (“PRED-uh-kate”).

How do you use predicate in a sentence?

A predicate is the part of a sentence, or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or what the subject is. Let’s take the same sentence from before: “The cat is sleeping in the sun.” The clause sleeping in the sun is the predicate; it’s dictating what the cat is doing.

What does Preciate spell?

Short form for appreciate which means to praise or express gratitude for someone’s good action. Person 1:I let out the dog for you. Person 2:’Preciate it

How do you spell subject?

Correct spelling for the English word “subject” is [sˈʌbd͡ʒɛkt], [sˈʌbd‍ʒɛkt], [s_ˈʌ_b_dʒ_ɛ_k_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What does fragment mean?

broken off, detached

How do you identify a fragment?

A fragment resembles a sentence in two ways. Both groups of words begin with a capital letter and conclude with an end mark—usually a period ( . ) but sometimes a question mark ( ? ) or an exclamation point ( ! ). The one important difference is that a fragment does not contain a main clause.