What is the best antonym for animosity?

What is the best antonym for animosity?

antonyms of animosity

  • like.
  • liking.
  • love.
  • loving.
  • rapport.
  • respect.
  • sweetness.
  • sympathy.

What is the opposite word of animosity?

animosity(noun) Antonyms: peace. Synonyms: acrimony, enmity, opposition, hatred.

What is the opposite of antagonism?

Opposite of active hostility or opposition. amity. friendship. rapport. accord.

What are two antonyms for antagonism?

antonyms of antagonism

  • agreement.
  • approval.
  • friendship.
  • good will.
  • harmony.
  • kindness.
  • like.
  • liking.

What is the opposite meaning of antagonist?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms antagonist. Antonyms: aider, abettor, accomplice, accessory, ally. Synonyms: adversary, opponent, rival, competitor, foe, enemy.

How do you use the word antagonist in a sentence?

Antagonist sentence example

  1. It is not easy to determine the antagonist he had in view.
  2. In his youth he was an antagonist of Mahomet.
  3. Ivan was also unfortunate in having for his chief antagonist Stephen Bathory, one of the greatest captains of the age.
  4. One strong antagonist to Moawiya remained, in the person of Ziyad.

What does antagonist mean in literature?

Antagonist, in literature, the principal opponent or foil of the main character, who is referred to as the protagonist, in a drama or narrative.

What are examples of antagonist?

The antagonist can be one character or a group of characters. In traditional narratives, the antagonist is synonymous with “the bad guy.” Examples of antagonists include Iago from William Shakespeare’s Othello, Darth Vader from the original Star Wars trilogy, and Lord Voldemort from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.

What is the purpose of antagonist?

Definitions & Examples of an Atagonist An antagonist, in a work of fiction, is a character or force that opposes a protagonist, the main character who often is the story’s hero. An antagonist provides the story’s conflict by creating an obstacle for a story’s protagonist.

How do you identify an antagonist?

Villains are often antagonists but not always. In order to locate the antagonist, look for the story’s primary conflict and ask where that conflict originated. Foil: A foil is a character that contrasts with another character in order to better highlight their defining traits.

What is the function of antagonist?

Antagonists play two important roles in muscle function: (1) they maintain body or limb position, such as holding the arm out or standing erect; and (2) they control rapid movement, as in shadow boxing without landing a punch or the ability to check the motion of a limb.