What is the balanced equation for the preparation of aspirin?

What is the balanced equation for the preparation of aspirin?

The reaction, using molecular formulas is C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 –> C9H8O4 + C2H4O2. The relevant molecular weights are 180 grams per mole for aspirin, and 138 grams per mole for salicylic acid. An excess of acetic anhydride is used in this preparation.

What is the chemical name of aspirin?

2-Acetoxybenzoic acid

What is the reaction of aspirin?

To prepare aspirin, salicylic acid is reacted with an excess of acetic anhydride. A small amount of a strong acid is used as a catalyst which speeds up the reaction. In this experiment, phosphoric acid will be used as the catalyst. The excess acetic acid will be quenched with the addition of water.

What is structure of aspirin?


What is the pH of aspirin?

approximately 7.0

Is aspirin acidic basic or neutral?

Aspirin itself is an acidic medicine and causes gastric irritation and regurgitation which can lead to low oral pH levels [7].

Where is aspirin absorbed more?

At pH 3.5 or 6.5, intestinal absorption of aspirin was greater than gastric absorption of the compound. Aspirin was not absorbed by the stomach at pH 6.5. These experiments indicate that aspirin can be absorbed to an appreciable extent in its ionized form by the small intestine but not by the stomach.

Is aspirin absorbed through the skin?

Aspirin placed on the skin also inhibits cyclooxygenase in platelets, but aspirin absorption through skin is slow, which may minimize the gastrointestinal effects.

How is aspirin absorbed into the body?

Aspirins absorption is pH sensitive at the level of the small intestine. Absorption is higher through the small intestine than the stomach for the same pH range. At pH 3.5 or 6.5, aspirin’s intestinal absorption is greater than the gastric absorption of the compound.

How quickly is aspirin absorbed?

The rate of absorption is dependent upon factors as stomach content, gastric emptying times, tablet disintegration rates and gastric pH. Following absorption, aspirin is hydrolized to salicycic acid with peak plasma levels of salicylic acid occurring within 1-2 hours of dosing.

Does aspirin absorbed in the stomach?

About 70% of the unchanged aspirin is absorbed in both stomach and in the upper intestine with 30% of salicylate.

When should you start taking aspirin?

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends daily aspirin therapy if you’re age 50 to 59, you’re not at increased bleeding risk, and you have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke of 10 percent or greater over the next 10 years.

Why would you want medicines like aspirin to be absorbed in the stomach?

Enteric-coated aspirin is designed to resist dissolving and being absorbed in the stomach. As such, enteric-coated aspirin passes into the small intestine, where it’s absorbed into the bloodstream. The purported goal is to prevent stomach ulcers and bleeding that can sometimes occur with aspirin use.

Which aspirin brand is best?


How can I protect my stomach from aspirin?

A way for most of us to reduce the possibility of stomach ulcers is to take the aspirin with a half glass of warm water before and another half glass of warm water surrounding taking the aspirin. And take the aspirin one or two hours after eating.

Why is it important to drink water immediately after taking aspirin?

Why is it important to drink water immediately after taking aspirin? (How is the stomach wall affected?) Sodium salicylate has been used as an analgesic. The makers of the Bufferin claim that their product buffers the fluid of the stomach at a higher pH, thereby avoiding the side effects of aspirin.

Does aspirin work immediately?

By all three measurements, chewed aspirin worked fastest. It needed only five minutes to reduce TxB2 concentrations by 50%; the Alka-Seltzer took almost 8 minutes, and the swallowed tablet took 12 minutes.