What is the antonym of the word material?

What is the antonym of the word material?

What is the opposite of material?

immaterial nonmaterial
impalpable nonphysical
intangible incorporeal
abstract spiritual
insubstantial unsubstantial

What is another term for raw materials?

other words for raw material

  • basic material.
  • grist.
  • organic matter.
  • primal matter.
  • resources.
  • staple.
  • stock.
  • unprocessed material.

What is another name for material?

What is another word for material?

substance component
timber raw material
piece goods yard goods
fabric making
element physical matter

What’s another word for material possessions?

belongings, property, holding.

What means materialistic?

1 : overly concerned or preoccupied with material possessions rather than with intellectual or spiritual things We had always watched The Beverly Hillbillies, and the Andy Griffith Show, where the country folks had to set things straight for the more materialistic city folk.—

Is the mind material or immaterial?

The mind is just a much more sophisticated emergent property than mere shape, being an emergent property of a complex dynamic system like the brain. Since the mind can’t be extracted or measured, it is an immaterial entity.

What’s another word for nuances?

SYNONYMS FOR nuance 1 subtlety, nicety, hint, refinement.

What does it mean to add nuance?

But if one singer adds some extra depth – perhaps by a slight hesitation before a critical word, or singing certain words louder or softer than usual – then this would be described as adding nuance, or their performance was nuanced.

What are white fillings called?

resin composite fillings

Which metal is used in amalgams?


What is Zn Hg?

Zinc amalgam (Zn-Hg) is most commonly used in the Clemmensen reduction, which takes ketones adjacent to aromatic rings down to the alkane. This can be useful in, say, after the Friedel-Crafts acylation when you want to obtain a straight chain alkane that would otherwise rearrange.

What is amalgam creep?

Creep. Creep in dental amalgams refers to the gradual change in shape of the restoration from compression by the opposing dentition during chewing or by pressure from adjacent teeth. It was a phenomenon associated with the gamma-2 phase seen with low-copper alloys (about 6%) and resulted in deterioration of the margins …

What is creep in material?

Creep is a type of metal deformation that occurs at stresses below the yield strength of a metal, generally at elevated temperatures. Creep is unique in the fact that it is a phenomena that causes materials to plastically strain even though yield stresses have not been reached.