What is the answer to Question 2 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to Question 2 on the impossible quiz?

The answer is “No, but a tin can” because the question is asking if a match is able to box, rather than the word “matchbox”, due to the answer “No, but a tin can” being the same, in terms of a pun. “Tin can” as in, the Tin is able to box.

What is neigh whinny on impossible quiz?

Above the keyboard is a message saying “Neigh! Whinny!” and a black silhouette of a horse. To solve this question, you need to type “horse” using the in-game keyboard, since a horse makes the sounds mentioned by the message, not to mention there’s the horse’s silhouette right there.

What is the answer to Question 3 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question is “Fine”, the only one of the options written the right way up, which makes sense since if you read the question upside-down, “Fine” is the only option that looks upside-down from that perspective.

What do you do on Question 26 on the impossible quiz?

The answer is “You run. You run so far away”, since the question’s referring to the 1982 song “I Ran (So Far Away)” by the English new wave band A Flock of Seagulls.

What is number 28 on the impossible quiz?

The answer is “Abundance”, because it is a pun on the words “A bun dance”, which is descriptive enough of the picture.

What is the answer to level 29 on the impossible quiz?

Question 29 from the Impossible Quiz says “What flavour is cardboard?”, while the possible answers say “Honey”, “Pork scratchings”, “Egg mayonnaise”, and “Talc”. The correct answer is “Egg Mayonnaise” because Splapp-Me-Do doesn’t like egg mayonnaise at all.

What is the answer to number 18 in the impossible quiz?

It might look confusing at first, but simply enough, the answer to this question is the hammer. It’s referencing the song “U Can’t Touch This” by American rap icon MC Hammer, which included the well-known lyrics, “Stop… Hammer Time!”.

What is the answer to the impossible quiz 16?

Though “G” happens to be the seventh letter in alphabetic order, the answer is NOT “G”. The actual answer to this question is “H”, which is the 7th letter within the words “the alphabet”.

How do you beat level 17 in the impossible quiz book?

There is no task on screen at any point of the question, and there’s no way for the player to lose a life in here. Simply enough, since the scenery is set in the bottom of the sea, all that the player has to is to press the “C” key on the keyboard, since it sounds like “sea”, in order to proceed.

Is it possible to beat the impossible quiz?

In order to complete the Impossible Quiz all you have to do is to use all of the seven Skips you got throughout the game in this question. This means that if you have used at least one of them before getting here (or failed to obtain either of the two Skips in Question 84), the game actually becomes impossible to beat.

How do you beat level 53 on the impossible quiz?

Question 53 of The Impossible Quiz is yet another picture question, and this time around it shows a picture of a jar of Marmite. You have to pick the corresponding answer (or rather, the most fitting one), out of the four available choices, which say “Urgh!”, “What is that?”, “…but Pa might not”, and “Yum”.

How do you beat level 75 on the impossible quiz?

Once the bomb has been lit, quickly click the on-screen “Escape” button (not to be confused with the keyboard button) to continue. If you were quick (or lucky) enough to escape from that bomb, you will be awarded with the fifth Skip of the game.

What is the answer to level 72 on the impossible quiz?

You must find a clickable spot among the darkness, which is where the switch is located. It’s on the far left end of the screen, somewhere between the question number and the lives. Once clicked, the light on the top of the screen will be turned on, revealing a picture of a ring-tailed lemur.

What is the answer to question 2 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to question 2 on the impossible quiz?

The answer is “No, but a tin can” because the question is asking if a match is able to box, rather than the word “matchbox”, due to the answer “No, but a tin can” being the same, in terms of a pun. “Tin can” as in, the Tin is able to box.

What is the answer to 10 on impossible quiz 2?

The words “a penguin?” are still a pickable object, though this time there’s only a time rift underneath; clicking it will take a life away from you, since the correct answer is “It blows your hand off”, a modified version of the second option of the original.

What is the answer to 14 on the impossible quiz 2?

Question 14 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains no actual question or task on screen; instead, it only contains a red background with small empty spaces, as well as four little dots of different colours. There is no bomb on screen, and there’s nothing in this question that could make you lose a life.

Is there an impossible quiz 2?

The Impossible Quiz 2 is the second installment of the hardest trivia quiz on the word wide web. Questions even got more tricky than in the first quiz, which makes this game officially the hardest one available. 120 questions are waiting for you to be answered.

How many holes are in a polo?

It asks you “How many holes in a polo?”, with the possible answers being all numbers from one to four. The answer to the question is “4”, since it’s talking about the holes in the letters that form the words “a polo”. There is one hole each in the letters A, P, and the two O’s.

What is the answer to question 29 on the impossible Quiz 2?

The correct answer is “Dough”, since bakers both need dough to make bread and knead dough in order to produce bread..

How do you do Poki on the impossible Quiz?

How to play The Impossible Quiz? Click the right answer out the of the four options. Use Skips to skip a particular questions of the game. Watch out for Bombs which have a timer to answer the question before the time runs out or it is Game Over.

What is the answer to 15 on impossible quiz?

There is a keyboard on the screen with clickable letters. Above the keyboard is a message saying “Neigh! Whinny!” and a black silhouette of a horse.

How do you answer question 10 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question, just like in the demo, is the denture, as the word “choose” sounds like “chews”, therefore making the task “Chews food”. Completing this question awards you with the very first Skip of the game.

What is the answer to question 29 on the impossible quiz 2?

How many questions in the impossible quiz games?

How Many Questions Are There In The Impossible Quiz? The complete number of questions in the game is 110. If you will be able to answer all of them without cheats and answers you can call yourself a very smart person.

What is an impossible question to answer?

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  • Is the impossible quiz impossible?

    The Impossible Quiz. Try to beat the quiz by answering all of the questions. it’s as simple as that, or it? The question are far from easy, sometimes require insane logic, others are completely down to guessing. It’s hard, but it’s NOT impossible! You have 3 lives throughout the quiz. Get an answer incorrect and you’ll lose one.