What is the answer to 86 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to 86 on the impossible quiz?

Question 86 from the Impossible Quiz reads: “I’m green and have sticky balls. Who am I?”, with the possible answers being “The Incredible Hulk”, “He-Man”, “The Prince” and “Slippy Toad”. The answer is “The Prince”, referring to the character known as “The Prince” from the Katamari video game series.

What is the answer to number 85 on the impossible quiz?

Question 85 of The Impossible Quiz references the space mini-game from the previous question. It asks you, “Did you enjoy the last question?”, to which the possible answers are “Not at all”, “I loved it!”, “HATE.

What is the answer to 87 on impossible quiz?

What’s actually missing from this question is the point from the question number, which is still there, but it’s invisible unless you put your mouse on it. What you have to do then is to hover your mouse around the question number until you find the red dot, which will then become visible. Click it in order to proceed.

What is the code for the impossible quiz?

The colour code says “Blue, red, blue, yellow”, while the number code says “108 = 4 8 42”. Said number code is a major plot point in the TV series “Lost”, and this will be referenced towards the end of the Quiz, in Question 108, so it’s important that you remember them (or alternatively, write them down).

How do you pass the impossible quiz?

In order to complete the Impossible Quiz all you have to do is to use all of the seven Skips you got throughout the game in this question. This means that if you have used at least one of them before getting here (or failed to obtain either of the two Skips in Question 84), the game actually becomes impossible to beat.

What is the answer to level 51 on the impossible quiz?

The Impossible Quiz Answers 51: Click fast on one of the characters – What you see here are the Spatulon and the Phlovomite. To win this game you have to click fast on one of them to get them to fight. However, the Spatulon will win, as being better, Spatulons always win.

What is the answer to 63 on the impossible quiz?

The actual answer question is “Tasteless white filth”, because it’s Splapp-Me-Do’s opinion of Chicken McNuggets.

What is the answer to the impossible quiz 53?

In short, the correct answer is LOAD ” “, which is what you must type in a ZX Spectrum/Splapptrum to load a game.

How do you beat level 10 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question, just like in the demo, is the denture, as the word “choose” sounds like “chews”, therefore making the task “Chews food”. Completing this question awards you with the very first Skip of the game.

How do you beat level 82 on the impossible quiz?

Question 82 of The Impossible Quiz is an unskippable 6-second bomb question that displays a pair of feet with large toenails. Besides using some quick-thinking, what you have to do is to use your reflexes and your mouse to cut all ten toenails before the timer of the bomb runs out.

What is the answer to 90 on the impossible quiz?

Question 90 from the Impossible Quiz says “How many times has Michael Jackson had a nose job?”, with a bomb counting down from 10 seconds. The possible answers for this question are “Thrice”, “Twice”, “Once” and “Nonce”.

How do you beat level 88 on the impossible quiz?

The new Question 88 only says “What are rats?”, with the four available choices being “Mammals”, “Vermin”, “Cheese munching furries” and “Backwards stars”. Rather simple, the answer to this question is “Backwards stars”, since the word “rats” backwards is “star”.

How do you get past the pink in the impossible quiz?

The cheats from the other two maze questions can still be applied in this one: when you bring up the right-click menu, you can move your mouse around the whole screen, even in the pink parts; you can also click and hold the left button, and move around freely as well, so you can move your cursor over to the red button.