
What is slang for muff?

What is slang for muff?

Muff has been slang for “vagina” since the 1690s, likening the female genitalia to the hand warmer. These included: debris caught in the vaginal area, vaginal discharge, and pronounced labia, à la the equally culinary and offensive beef curtains.

What is a muff in British slang?

muff in British English 1. to perform (an action) awkwardly. 2. ( transitive) to bungle (a shot, catch, etc) in a game.

What does Dotty mean in slang?

adjective. If you say that someone is dotty, you mean that they are slightly mad or likely to do strange things. [mainly British, informal] She was obviously going a bit dotty.

What does muff mean in Australia?

(Noun) A vagina.

What is muff a nickname for?

Name and meaning/definition of Muff South German : nickname for a sulky or surly person, from Middle High German muff, mupf ‘pout’, ‘drooping mouth’. In English, the name Muff is most often used as the name of a Surname or Lastname.

What does muff mean in Ireland?

Muff, Co. Donegal – the source of endless crude jokes, especially since the installation of a diving board in this small seaside town. Apparently, the name derives from a mispronunciation of the Irish ‘Magh’, meaning plain.

Is muff a bad word?

Noun. (vulgar, slang) Female pubic hair; female genitals.

What does up the duff mean?

unplanned pregnancy

What does Duff mean in England?

useless, broken, or of poor quality

What is a dog’s dinner?

[British] a situation, event, or piece of work that is chaotic, badly organized, or very untidy. The government’s latest proposals are a dog’s dinner.

What is a dogs breakfast?

chiefly British. : a confused mess or mixture.

What does dressed up like a dog’s dinner mean?

If someone is described as being ‘dressed like a dog’s dinner’, it means they are wearing clothes which are inappropriate for the occasion or too formal.

What does done like a dinner mean?

[mainly Australian] to be completely defeated, often unfairly, in a contest or competitive situation. The fact is, you were done like a dinner by a superior team. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary.

What does stitched up like a kipper mean?

“Done [or stitched] up like a kipper”: now there’s a quaint British expression — meaning “fitted up or framed”, “used or betrayed” — that you probably won’t often hear on the other side of the Atlantic, which Mr. Cowell has a habit of crossing.

What does stitched up mean?

1 : to use a needle and thread to close a large cut or wound The doctor stitched up his wound. The doctor stitched him up. 2 British, informal : to make (an innocent person) appear to be guilty of a crime : frame They stitched him up for murder.

What does you’re a stitch mean?

When you over exert yourself, you get a cramp in your side. This is refered to as “getting a stitch in your side.” He means that when the actor Tom Hanks talks, you laugh so hard that you get a stitch in your side. Well, not often literally do you get a cramp.

What does stitch lip mean?

Lip sewing or mouth sewing, the operation of stitching together human lips, is a form of body modification. Sutures are often used to stitch the lips together, though sometimes piercings are made with needle blades or cannulas and monofilament is threaded through the holes.

Can your lips grow together?

People in vegetative state do not have their lips grow together, so no it would not happen. But in the original situation protein scaffolding in your body wouldn’t allow the lips to grow together. The scaffolding lets your body know what parts go where and attach to what.