
What is SL100 transistor?

What is SL100 transistor?

Sl100 transistor is a general purpose, medium power NPN transistor. Being a general purpose transistor makes the SL100 transistor open to a wide spectrum of electronic applications. The transistor terminals require a fixed DC voltage to operate in the desired region of its characteristic curves.

What is BC548 transistor?

The BC548 is a general-purpose NPN bipolar junction transistor commonly used in European and American electronic equipment. It is notably often the first type of bipolar transistor hobbyists encounter and is often featured in designs in hobby electronics magazines where a general-purpose transistor is required.

What is C1815 transistor?

C1815 is a widely used transistor, it is used in commercial and educational projects. It is designed for audio frequency amplification and high frequency OSC. The collector-base voltage of the transistor is 50V therefore it can be easily used in circuits using below 50V DC.

How do you test a good transistor?

Hook the positive lead from the multimeter to the to the BASE (B) of the transistor. Hook the negative meter lead to the EMITTER (E) of the transistor. For an good NPN transistor, the meter should show a voltage drop between 0.45V and 0.9V. If you are testing PNP transistor, you should see “OL” (Over Limit).

How do I choose a transistor?

Choosing a Suitable PNP or NPN Transistor Switch

  1. The transistor’s maximum collector current must be greater than the load current.
  2. The transistor’s maximum current gain must be at least 5 times the load current divided by the maximum output current from the IC.
  3. Choose a transistor which meets the requirements and making a note of its properties.

What’s the difference between NPN and PNP transistors?

An NPN transistor has a piece of P-type silicon (the base) sandwiched between two pieces of N-type (the collector and emitter). In a PNP transistor, the type of the layers are reversed. NPN and PNP transistors have very similar schematic symbols. The only difference is the direction of the arrow on the emitter.

What is transistor diagram?

Diagram ‘A’ shows an NPN transistor which is often used as a type of switch. A small current or voltage at the base allows a larger voltage to flow through the other two leads (from the collector to the emitter). The circuit shown in diagram B is based on an NPN transistor.

What is the difference between transistors?

The main difference between the two types of transistors is that holes are the more important carriers for PNP transistors, whereas electrons are the important carriers for NPN transistors. Then, PNP transistors use a small base current and a negative base voltage to control a much larger emitter-collector current.

Why Mosfet are better than transistor?

mosfet is much faster than bjt because in a mosfet, only majority carriers are the current. the device switches much faster than bjt and is therefore used for switching smps power. because the collector current changes due to changes in temperature, current gain, base voltage of the transmitter.

Which is better PNP or NPN transistor?

A NPN transistor has electrons as majority charge carriers whereas the PNP transistor has holes as majority charge carrier. The mobility of electrons is better than mobility of holes. mobility of electrons is more than hole,so as a result npn transistor are faster than pnp that’s why they are preferred..

What is the symbol of PNP transistor?

PNP vs NPN Transistor

PNP Transistor NPN Transistor
Collector-emitter voltage Negative Positive
Emitter arrow Pointed in Pointed out

Is PNP sinking or sourcing?

PNP sensors are sometimes called “sourcing sensors” because they source positive power to the output. NPN sensors are sometime called “sinking sensors” because they sink ground to the output. The term “load” identifies the device the sensor powers.

What is more common PNP or NPN?

PNP sensors tend to be more commonly used. Traditional relay type control circuit; Use with a programmable logic controller (PLC). Less common nowadays are input cards that ‘source’, these were popular in Asia and require the NPN type of sensor in order to operate correctly.

When would you use a PNP transistor?


  1. PNP transistors are used to source current, i.e. current flows out of the collector.
  2. PNP transistors are used as switches.
  3. These are used in the amplifying circuits.
  4. PNP transistors are used when we need to turnoff something by push a button.
  5. Used in Darlington pair circuits.

What does PNP output mean?

A PNP output is commonly called a “sourcing” output. When it senses an object it will connect the output to the positive supply. If you’re unsure of which output type you need, a number of manufactures produce sensors with configurable outputs. In this case the sensor can be configured to operate as an NPN or PNP type.

What is sinking and sourcing in PLC?

The Sinking and Sourcing are the input/output module cards used in PLCs. A sinking digital I/O (input/output) provides a grounded connection to the load, whereas a sourcing digital I/O provides a voltage source to the load.

What is difference between sinking and sourcing?

Sinking and Sourcing are terms used to define the control of direct current flow in a load. A sinking digital I/O (input/output) provides a grounded connection to the load, whereas a sourcing digital I/O provides a voltage source to the load. The digital input provides the load required for the circuit to work.

What is sink and source in VFD?

Sink and source refer to the direction of current flow between an I/O point on an I/O module and the connected device. Sink (N PN) inputs are most common in United States, and source (PNP) outputs are the most common in the United States.

How can I learn PLC for free?

Learn about the Programmable logic controllers using the free online PLC programming training course….PLC Programming Course Online Free

  1. PLC Overview.
  2. Input-Output Section.
  3. Processor Unit.
  4. Programming Devices.
  5. Memory Organization.
  6. Ladder Diagrams.
  7. Number Systems.
  8. Relay Instructions.

Can I learn Plc on my own?

Download and install any free PLC software from internet and practice by yourself. One popular software is Codesys. It is widely used in Europe and is common software to do programming in many PLC’s make.

Is PLC hard to learn?

However, the term PLC (programmable logic controller) may be loosely applied and the actual syntax of the language will vary depending on the manufacturer. PLC programming is easy to learn, a top level book is “Automating manufacturing systems” with PLC’s by Hugh Jacks.

Is PLC a good career?

Working as a PLC Programmer is one of the most attractive and highest paying jobs in the PLC engineering industry.