
What is Silver Honor Roll?

What is Silver Honor Roll?

Students with a 4.0 GPA (grade point average) are classified as Gold Honor Roll recipients. Students with a 3.5 – 3.99 GPA are placed on the Silver Honor Roll. Those students with a GPA of 3.0 – 3.49 are Bronze Honor Roll recipients.

What are the honor roll levels?

• Majority of middle schools give three levels of distinction for honor roll:

  • All A (with no minuses)
  • The A/B (with no minuses)
  • The A/B/Cs (with no minuses) •
  • 3.85 – 4.00 GPA. (with no grade lower than an.
  • 3.50 – 3.84 GPA. (with no grade lower than a B-)
  • 3.50 – 3.84 GPA. (with no grade lower than a.
  • 3.00 – 3.49 GPA.

What is the highest honor roll?

What is Summa Cum Laude: Most define summa cum laude as With Highest Praise, and the summa cum laude definition is With Highest Honor. It usually means highest grades.

What is the GPA for honor roll in high school?


Is 76 a bad grade in college?

A 76% isn’t bad either, depending how the class is graded you can probably still get a B, and maybe even an A. A 76% isn’t bad either, depending how the class is graded you can probably still get a B, and maybe even an A. Easily.

Is getting B’s in college bad?

all “B’s” would mean a 3.0 GPA. If the all Student Average is, say, 2.5, you have done better than the average student. No, not so much a bad student as much as one who is in a field they do not belong in or that they are too distracted to stay focused on what they are at college for.

What GPA is straight B’s?

Unweighted 4.0 GPA Scale

Letter Grade GPA
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7

Do employers look at your college GPA?

Employers care most about your GPA when you are applying for your first job out of school, whether you are a recent college graduate or a recent high school graduate who is directly entering the job market.

What is a 2.6 unweighted GPA?

Grade point average (GPA) is the cumulative average of your final grades throughout high school. A 2.6 GPA is the equivalent of a B- average and indicates a level of accomplishment in all completed classes so far.