
What is Question 39 on the impossible quiz?

What is Question 39 on the impossible quiz?

Question 39 from the Impossible Quiz is another picture question from the game. The correct answer to this question is “Cylindrical Adventures”, which is the name of the animation the dancing cylinder belongs to.

How do you answer Question 40 on the impossible quiz?

How do you do number 40 on the impossible quiz?

  1. The correct answer to this question is “Afro”, because it’s the best part of the duck, according by Splapp (plus “Afro” is not the correct term to refer to the duck’s crest).
  2. Likewise, what is the answer to Question 40 on the impossible quiz 2?
  3. The hint means that the right answer is the 42nd 42 in the list.

What is the answer to Question 38 on the impossible quiz?

Question 38 of The Impossible Quiz contains a statement that says “Mary Rose sat on a pin”, and the possible choices are “O RLY?”, “Mary Rose”, “Burst her piles”, and “Ahahahaaha!”. The correct answer is “Mary Rose”, since the “Rose” in her name is a pun on the past tense form of “to rise”.

What is the answer to Question 37 on the impossible quiz?

Question 37 of The Impossible Quiz is the third safe question of the game. It says “Can you get this question wrong?”, with the potential answers being “No”, “Nope”, “No way”, and “Of course not”.

How do you beat question 41 on the impossible quiz?

The correct answer to this question is “Afro”, because it’s the best part of the duck, according by Splapp (plus “Afro” is not the correct term to refer to the duck’s crest).

What is 42 in the impossible quiz?

The correct answer is the 42nd 42. It’s the second 42 in the bottom row. Click it to proceed. This question is in reference to Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”.

Which is the correct spelling impossible quiz?

The choices are “Slap-Me-Do”, “Slapp-Me-Do”, “Spapp-Me-Do” and “Splapp-Me-Do”. Only one of the options is spelled correctly and that’s the bottom right one, “Splapp-Me-Do”.

What is the answer for Impossible Quiz Number 45?

The top left choice says “Indeed”, the top right one says “WRONG”, the bottom left option says “Why not?”, and the bottom right one says “ROFL”. The correct answer in this one, and the most sensible of the options, is of course “WRONG”, so click the top right option box to proceed.

What is number 46 in the impossible quiz?


What is the answer to level 43 on the impossible quiz?

Question 43 (iOS) The correct answer to this one is “Cataracts”, since they’re generally the cause of blindness in many species, plus it contains the word “cat”.

What is the answer to Question 47 on the impossible quiz?

The best way to do so is aligning the cursor with the point of the cursor on the “Vanish” bottle when it is at its lowest point of the screen. This is a safe question, which means that you can click wherever you want on the screen and you won’t lose any lives for any misclick you make.

What is number 48 in the impossible quiz?

The question is a reference to a Game Over screen in the Metal Gear Solid series, where the Mission Control characters would repeatedly call out the name of Snake (the game’s protagonist), concluding with a slightly prolonged repetition of the name. So to finish what the question says, the answer is “Snaaaake!”.

What is the answer to Question 19 on the impossible quiz?

To the left is an easel with an unpainted picture of a character named “Boggy”. To solve this question, you must colour the picture following the order of the letters on its name: the “B” stands for blue, the “O” stands for orange, the “G” stands for green, and the “Y” stands for yellow.

What is the answer to Question 24 on the impossible quiz?

Question 24 of the Impossible Quiz Book asks “Which smell lingers for far too long?”. The answer choices on the screen are “Cheese”, “B.O.” (which stands for “body odor”), “Corned beef” and “Cow pat”.

What is number 31 on the impossible quiz?

The answer is then “Woof. Woof. Woof”. This is because during the “Badly Drawn Dawg” animations, whenever he barks, most of the time he barks three times.

What are the main ingredients of shampoo The Impossible Quiz?

The answer is “Babycham and human faeces” because the “cham” in “Babycham” sounds like “sham”, and “faeces” is a synonym for “poo”. Put them together, and you’ve got the word “shampoo”.

What are the main ingredients in shampoo?

Common ingredients in shampoo include:

  • surfactants.
  • foaming agents.
  • conditioners.
  • thickeners.
  • opacifiers.
  • sequestering agents.
  • preservatives.
  • special additives.

How many letters are in his hand?

Question 33 from The Impossible Quiz asks “How many letters in his hand?”, and next to it there’s a drawing of a cut-off hand holding nine letters. The choices are all four numbers from 7 to 10. The answer is “7” because the question is asking how many letters are in the words “His hand”.

What follows December 2nd?

The question says “What follows December 2nd?”. While it would seem sensible to choose “December 3rd” or “A question mark”, the answer in this case is “n”, because it’s what follows the word “December” the second; in other words, it’s the second character after the word.

What is the answer to the impossible quiz question 17?

Question 17 from the Impossible Quiz is a simple math question that contains the following subtraction: “24 – 7 = ?”. The choices are “18”, “2”, “16.931”, and “walrus”. Although 16.931 could be a good answer, since it rounds itself to 17, it is not the correct answer.

What is Question 72 on the impossible quiz?

You must find a clickable spot among the darkness, which is where the switch is located. It’s on the far left end of the screen, somewhere between the question number and the lives. Once clicked, the light on the top of the screen will be turned on, revealing a picture of a ring-tailed lemur.

How do you do Question 77 on the impossible quiz?

Question 77 of The Impossible Quiz is another picture question, asking “What is this?”. There is a picture of an object which resembles some kind of bag or oven glove with a red “T” on it. The possible choices are “Teabag”, “Testicle”, “Mr T’s oven glove”, and “Question 77”.

What is number 76 on the impossible quiz?

The message on the upper part of the screen references the chorus of the song “Sugar, Sugar” by The Archies. The corresponding lyrics, which come before the message of the question, go: “sugar… aah, honey, honey…”. Therefore, in order to proceed, you have to click the sugar bag once, then the honey jar twice.

How do you beat level 81 on the impossible quiz?

To pass this question, you need to rub the pole up and down using your cursor, until a lightning strikes down on it, which will give the machine the energy needed to turn on and display a green glowing arrow on its screen. Click this arrow to continue.