
What is ping in transformice?

What is ping in transformice?

Ping is a measurement of the reaction time of your internet connection. Your ping time measures how long it takes for data packets to get from your device to the Transformice server.

What is CC in transformice?

Cheese coin Cheese coins (cc) are the most versatile coin, as the may be “used” like a normal consumable to earn shop cheese, traded with other players (if they haven’t been used), and can be earned multiple ways. As such, they are the primary means of exchange for consumables / inventory items.

How do you watch yourself on transformice?

How to only see yourself

  1. Go to any server (I prefer to use this method in raceing)
  2. Type in /watch (your name)
  3. Ex: mine.
  4. Once you press enter everyone will be sort of invisible and you will be bright red.
  5. To go back just do the prosses over again /watch (your name) then you will go back.

How do you whisper in transformice?

Whisper or whispering is a feature that allows you to send private messages to another user. You can whisper by using the /c *username* *message* or /w *username* *message* commands, or by clicking on someone’s username and then clicking Whisper below their username.

How do you add friends on transformice?

To add a friend to your friends list, there are two ways: Type “/friend [username]” in the chat box. Click the username of a mouse (via chat box or scoreboard) and click “Add as friend”

How do you get fraises in transformice?

Another way to get fraises is through watching fraise videos, which are 15–30 second ads that reward players with one fraise. The option to watch these videos only occurs sometimes in the bottom right corner of the Shop. However, they are not available to every player.

How do you farm cheese in transformice?

To farm cheese:

  1. Step 1: Create a private “vanilla” room.
  2. Step 2: Invite your “1” friend.
  3. Step 3: Be fast. As a shaman, use cannon/ballon/spirit/teleport to poke your friend into the hole.
  4. Step 4: Repeat.