
What is P2O5 H2O?

What is P2O5 H2O?

P2O5 + H2O = H3PO4 – Chemical Equation Balancer.

What happens when phosphorus pentoxide reacts with water?

Answer. It reacts with water to form phosphoric acid H3PO4. It is highly exothermic and leads to formation of fumes. Diphosphorous Pentoxide is s very powerful dehydrating agent.

Which acid is formed when water is poured over phosphorus pentoxide?

Phosphoric acid

Does P4O10 dissolve in water?

A. reacts with acids to produce a salt. B. is insoluble in water.

Why is al2o3 insoluble in water?

Aluminum Oxide The following reactions concern the more reactive forms of the molecule. Aluminium oxide is amphoteric. Reaction with water: Aluminum oxide is insoluble in water and does not react like sodium oxide and magnesium oxide. The oxide ions are held too strongly in the solid lattice to react with the water.

Why is alf3 insoluble in water?

It is non-polar, and is only slightly soluble in water. Lowering the temperature further decreases the solubility. It’s also polymeric which doesn’t help the solubility.

Does Koh dissolve in water?


Is no acidic or neutral?

Neutral oxides show neither basic nor acidic properties and hence do not form salts when reacted with acids or bases, e.g., carbon monoxide (CO); nitrous oxide (N2O); nitric oxide (NO), etc., are neutral oxides.

Which oxide is not neutral?

Examples include carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) which are only slightly soluble in water, and nitric oxide (NO) which is appreciably soluble in cold water.So ZnO and SnO2 are not neutral oxides.

Which oxides Cannot be reduced by h2?

(iii) The metal oxide which cannot be reduced by hydrogen is (sodium oxide, copper oxide). (iv) A metal nitrate which leaves no residue on heating is (Potassium nitrate, Ammonium nitrate).

Why is cryolite added to the Aluminium oxide?

Give two reasons why cryolite is used in the electrolysis of aluminium oxide. The mixture of cryolite and aluminium oxide has a lower melting point than pure aluminium oxide. Molten cryolite serves as a solvent for the molten aluminium oxide and increases the conductivity of the solution.

Why is aluminum expensive?

Aluminum’s base is bauxite, which is mined primarily in tropical areas. Bauxite is ground into a paste called alumina, which is then smelted with molten cryolite and induced with electrical shock. The ions separate, and the liquid cools and becomes aluminum. Cost – Aluminum is much more expensive than carbon steel.

Is cryolite expensive?

Cryolite is another aluminium ore, but is rare and expensive, and most is now made chemically.

Why is it so expensive to extract sodium?

The process of electrolysis uses of large amounts of energy in the extraction of a reactive metals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium etc. and makes them expensive to produce. The ore–compound containing the sodium (or other metal) must be molten so the ions are free to move to the electrodes.

Which metal is hardest to extract from its ore?

The Blast Furnace Both iron and copper can be extracted from the ore by heating with carbon. However, iron is a more reactive metal than copper. It is therefore a little harder to extract it from its ore.

How do you extract highly reactive metals?

Metals of high reactivity; such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, etc. are extracted from their ores by electrolytic reduction. These metals cannot be reduced using carbon because carbon is less reactive than them.

What are the two main disadvantages of using electrolysis to extract metals?

It takes a lot of electricity and that makes it expensive. Hence, electrolysis is only used for the most reactive metals. The method of extracting metal from its ore depends upon how reactive the metal is. The more ractive the metal, the more difficult and expensive it is to seperate from its ore.