What is not in the domain of TANX?

What is not in the domain of TANX?

tanx will become infinity and hence not defined . thus domain is : all real numbers except the numbers at which cosx is zero i.e. nπ2 where n= 1,3,5,………

What is the domain of the function y log TANX?

what is the domain and range of log(tanx)? Found this online: “The domain of a logarithmic function is real numbers greater than zero, and the range is real numbers. The graph of y = logax is symmetrical to the graph of y = ax with respect to the line y = x.

What is domain in trigonometry?

The domain of a function is the specific set of values that the independent variable in a function can take on. The range is the resulting values that the dependant variable can have as x varies throughout the domain.

Where is TANX defined?

The tangent of x is defined to be its sine divided by its cosine: tan x = sin x cos x . The cotangent of x is defined to be the cosine of x divided by the sine of x: cot x = cos x sin x .

What is the range of TANX?

Trigonometric Functions

Function Domain Range
f(x) = sin ( x ) (-∞ , + ∞) [-1 , 1]
f(x) = cos ( x ) (-∞ , + ∞) [-1 , 1]
f(x) = tan ( x ) All real numbers except π/2 + n*π (-in , + ∞)
f(x) = sec ( x ) All real numbers except π/2 + n*π (-∞ , -1] U [1 , + ∞)

What is the meaning of TANX?


Why is tangent called tangent?

Tangent comes from the latin tangere, the verb meaning “to touch”. A line tangent to a circle intersects it at exactly one point.

Is the domain the denominator?

The domain doesn’t care what is in the numerator of a rational expression. The domain is only influenced by the zeroes of the denominator. Since the denominator will never equal zero, no matter what value x is, then there are no forbidden values for this rational expression, and x can be anything.

How do you find a domain of a radical function?

To determine the domain of a radical function algebraically, find the values of x for which the radicand is nonnegative (set it equal to ≥0 ) and then solve for x . The radicand is the number or expression underneath the radical sign.

What is the domain and range of a graph?

Because the domain refers to the set of possible input values, the domain of a graph consists of all the input values shown on the x-axis. The range is the set of possible output values, which are shown on the y-axis.

How do you find the domain and range of a quadratic function?

The correct answer is Domain: all real numbers | Range: all real numbers ≥ -8. This equation is in vertex form: f(x)=a(x-h)^2+k. The domain, or values for x, can be any real number, but the range does have restrictions. Not all y-values will appear on the graph for this equation.

What is the domain of every polynomial function?

The domain of all polynomial functions is all real numbers: (−∞,∞). The range depends on the polynomial. Definition: The zeros of a function f(x) are the values of x such that f(x) = 0. In other words, they are the x-intercepts of the function.

How do you find the domain and range of a linear graph?

To determine the domain, identify the set of all the x-coordinates on the function’s graph. To determine the range, identify the set of all y-coordinates. In addition, ask yourself what are the greatest/least x- and y-values. These values will be your boundary numbers.