
What is liquid non metal?

What is liquid non metal?

Non-metal which exist as a liquid at room temperature is bromine.

What is the example of liquid non metal?


Can nonmetals be liquids?

Non-metals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity. Non-metals can be solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature depending upon the element. Sulfur, bromine, and helium are typical non-metals.

Is chlorine The only liquid non metal?

chlorine is the only liquid nonmetal. 3. hydrogen is the lightest nonmetal. 4.

Which metal is liquid?

mercury (Hg)

Is milk a nonmetal?

Explanation: Milk is composed of many elements such as Calcium (Ca), Magnesium(Mg), Phosphorus(P), Potassium (K), Zinc(Zn) ans Selenium(Se). Calcium is a metal as it can easily loose 2 electrons to obtain a stable configuration….

What element is milk?

The principal constituents of milk are water, fat, proteins, lactose (milk sugar) and minerals (salts). Milk also contains trace amounts of other substances such as pigments, enzymes, vitamins, phospholipids (substances with fatlike properties), and gases.

What is the lightest non metal?

Helium gas

Which non metal is lustrous?

Diamond and iodine are two exceptions and are lustrous non-metal.

Is Diamond a nonmetal?

Diamond is not considered as a non-metal in the exceptional category as diamond is a form of carbon. It is not classified as an element. It is an allotrope of carbon.

Which metal is lustrous?

Luster: Metals have the quality of reflecting light from its surface and can be polished e.g., gold, silver and copper….

Is Diamond a lustrous non metal?

So, diamond is essentially non-metal. Hence, the correct answer we are looking for is both iodine and diamond are lustrous non-metals. So, the answer is D. Note: Diamond as discussed has the highest non-metallic lustre; this is also known as “adamantine”.

Which is the hardest non-metal?

Carbon is a non-metal that can exist in different forms. Each form is called an allotrope. Diamond is an allotrope of carbon and it is the hardest natural substance known.

Is Diamond stronger than metal?

Are Diamonds Stronger than Steel? A diamond is smoother than steel since its molecules are held more tightly together. However, a diamond is not stronger than steel. Steel is also denser than diamonds because each molecule weighs much more than a carbon atom alone….

Is Gold non-metal?

Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements and is solid under standard conditions….

Appearance metallic yellow
Standard atomic weight Ar, std(Au) 4)
Gold in the periodic table

What are 10 properties of metals?


  • Lustrous (shiny)
  • Good conductors of heat and electricity.
  • High melting point.
  • High density (heavy for their size)
  • Malleable (can be hammered)
  • Ductile (can be drawn into wires)
  • Usually solid at room temperature (an exception is mercury)
  • Opaque as a thin sheet (can’t see through metals)

What are the 11 non metals?

Chemically, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, arsenic and selenium are the non-metallic elements in the periodic table.

Which non-metal is used in flying airplanes and balloons?
