
What is IRS 2645C?

What is IRS 2645C?

2645C is my all-time favorite and most ambiguous IRS inquiry letter. The Internal Revenue Manual refers to them as “interim letters” (IRM 4.19. 23), which is a nice label given to a letter that is simply saying the IRS has received something from the taxpayer but has not acted on it yet.

What does IRS letter 2644C mean?

IRS uses Letter 2644C to indicate that they are delaying action on your case because they lack information. Sometimes, you will just have to wait on the IRS to process the return and other times, they will ask for a response from you.

Is this letter from the IRS real?

Letter Identification Real IRS letters have either a notice number (CP) or letter number (LTR) on either the top or bottom right-hand corner of the letter. If there’s no notice number or letter, it’s likely that the letter is fraudulent. It’s recommended you call the IRS at

How do you know if IRS is investigating you?

Signs that You May Be Subject to an IRS Investigation:

  • (1) An IRS agent abruptly stops pursuing you after he has been requesting you to pay your IRS tax debt, and now does not return your calls.
  • (2) An IRS agent has been auditing you and now disappears for days or even weeks at a time.

Why did I get a 5071C letter from the IRS?

If the IRS suspects that a tax return with your name on it is potentially the result of identity theft, the agency will send you a special letter, called a 5071C Letter. This letter is to notify you that the agency received a tax return with your name and Social Security number and it believes it may not be yours.

Is IRS letter 5071C legitimate?

The 5071C letter is a legitimate letter from the IRS that provides instructions to verify that you submitted the tax return in question. Online on the IRS’ secure Identity Verification Service website, idverify.irs.gov or. By calling the toll-free number listed in your letter.

Is a 5071C letter an audit?

Letter LTR 5071C Identity Theft / Identity Verification inquiry. (These notifications are not evidence of an audit or examination. Rather they are just a proposed tax adjustment based only on an under-reporting of income obtained from Forms 1099 or other income reporting documents.

What happens after you verify your identity with the IRS?

What happens after I successfully verify? If we successfully verify your identity, we’ll process your tax return. It will take up to 9 weeks to receive your refund or credit any overpayment to your account. However, if we find other problems, we’ll contact you again.

Does it really take 9 weeks after identity verification to get refund?

No, it doesn’t really take nine weeks, in most cases, but that’s what they’re required to tell you (as the 5071C letter also says).

Does it really take 9 weeks after identity verification to get refund 2020?

The IRS Website says If you did file the return, please know it will take approximately 6-9 weeks to process your return once you verify your identity. Most returns are completed and a refund issue date is posted between 2 and 4 weeks after successfully validating your Identity.

Can I call the IRS to get my stimulus check?

The IRS Economic Impact Payment phone number is You can call to speak with a live representative about your stimulus check.

What does your tax return is still being processed a refund date will be provided when available exactly mean?

A refund date will be provided when available.” Exactly mean? After the tax return has been Accepted by the IRS (meaning only that they received the return) it will be in the Processing mode until the tax refund has been Approved and then an Issue Date will be available on the IRS website.

What time of the day does IRS update refund status?

Note that the IRS only updates tax return statuses once a day during the week, usually between midnight and 6 am. They do not update the status more than once a day, so checking throughout the day will not give you a different result.

How long does it take for refund to go from accepted to approved?

Nine out of 10 direct deposit e-filed tax returns are handled within 21 days of acceptance by the IRS’s e-file department. One should anticipate a transition period from six to eight weeks starting from the day the tax return was issued by the IRS when you filed your tax return on paper via standard post.

Can I still be audited after my return is accepted?

If a tax return has been accepted by the IRS, it simply means that it has met the requirements for submission; accepted returns can always be audited.

Why does Turbotax say accepted but IRS says processing?

It simply means that your e-filed return is being processed and that the government hasn’t approved or rejected it yet. Sometimes return status does not update for several days or even longer. During this time, the government reviews your refund (processing).

Does processed mean accepted?

Refund has been processed means that they have approved and are ready to send you your refund. Your return being processed mean that your tax return is being processed. Your status should change from being processed to accepted and then a date given for your refund. Keep checking each day for that.