What is freak person?

What is freak person?

Freak is a not-so-nice noun that refers to either a person who expresses such an intense obsession with something that it resembles addiction, or a person or animal that is monstrous and deformed. Synonyms for freak, when used to describe something or something abnormal, include anomaly, chimera, misshape, and oddity.

Is what the freak a bad word?

Yes, “fricking” or “freaking” are basically milder substitutes for the “F-word”. They are thus LESS offensive than that word. But among people who do not use vulgar language, these words could still be offensive.

What’s another word for freak?

In this page you can discover 86 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for freak, like: monster, vagary, whim, abnormality, bizarre, crotchet, monstrosity, aberration, oddity, rarity and malformation.

What is another word for freak out?

What is another word for freak out?

unhinge distract
frazzle fuss
hagride perturb
undo worry
weird out confuse

Whats the opposite of a freak?

What is the opposite of freak?

nonfan detractor
fault-finder pessimist
adversary disapprover
faultfinder attacker
criticizer carper

What does freak out mean?

freak out, [Slang.] to enter into or cause a period of irrational behavior or emotional instability, as under the influence of a drug:to be freaked out on LSD. to lose or cause to lose emotional control from extreme excitement, shock, fear, joy, despair, etc.:Seeing the dead body freaked him out.

How do you use freak out?

Freak-out sentence example I figured you’d freak out. At any minute, she’d hear him tear them apart and then, she’d freak out. Is that what made you freak out up on the mountain? We used to really freak out people who were on acid.

Did you freak out meaning?

To “freak someone out” is to : An informal phrase which means to be or cause someone to be in a very emotional state of fear, anger, panic or excitement. That been you have the mixed emotion of being scared and angry and confused. Example: I saw five police cars pull into the driveway which freaked me out.

What does a freak look like?

In fact, Freak is a tiny little guy compared to his massive intellect. Just like Max has to deal with looking like his dad, Freak is also judged by his appearance. Freak is only about three feet tall, and he has to walk with crutches. Even Max originally describes Freak as a “crippled-up yellow haired midget” (2.8).

What does freak say about himself?

Hover for more information. In Freak the Mighty, Rodman Philbrick’s protagonist, Maxwell (Max) Kane, opens the novel telling readers exactly what he thinks of himself: I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that’s the truth, the whole truth.

How did freak die?

After having a seizure on his birthday, Freak is admitted into the hospital, where he gives Max a blank book, telling him to write the story of Freak the Mighty in it. Max returns to the hospital the next day to find that Freak died because his heart became too big for his body. Dr.

Why does freak need a new body?

Why does Freak need a new body? Freak’s legs are too small for the rest of his body. Freak’s head is to large for the rest of his body. Freak is growing on the inside but not on the outside.

What does freak say about remembering?

“It was Freak himself who taught me that remembering is a great invention of the mind, and if you try hard enough you can remember anything, whether it really happened or not.” What do you think this means?

What did freak give Max at the hospital?

In the novel Freak the Mighty, Kevin is succumbing to his lifelong illnesses caused by birth defects in the hospital. Kevin gives Max a blank notebook to remember the adventures they have had over the previous year.

What happens in chapter 21 of Freak the Mighty?

Killer Kane ends up pleading guilty and has to serve out the rest of his sentence plus 10 years. Max still can’t find peace about it. Grim tells him that Kane was an accident of nature, and that Max is nothing like him. He may have gotten his dad’s looks but he has his mother’s heart.

Why does freak take Max to the hospital?

He tells Max, “Inside the research building is a secret laboratory called The Experimental Bionics Unit. The medical research building was something that Freak wanted Max to see. In order for Max to understand his situation, Freak had to be vulnerable and expose his experiences.

Why does freak like King Arthur?

Freak loves everything to do with King Arthur because of the similarities he sees between their biographies. Arthur also recognized the fragility of the human body and so he chose to “armor-plate” his men so they could do great things that normal men couldn’t.

What does freak mean when he says life is dangerous?

Worried, Max asks if someone else can be first since it sounds dangerous. Freak says that life is dangerous and then he suggests that they head home. Less important than Max’s understanding of what Freak is saying is the fact that Max understands entirely how important this is to Freak.

What secret does freak tell Max?

Life is Dangerous

Where does Max go when his emotions get overwhelmed?

He distances himself from his grandparents, both emotionally and physically, retreating to the down under whenever he gets upset: “I like it in the down under, got the place all to myself and no fear of Gram sticking her head in the door” (2.1).

Why does Max like freak riding on his shoulders?

Why does Max like Freak riding on his shoulders? He likes Freak telling him which way to go. He likes having a really smart brain on his shoulders, helping him think. He likes Freak being able to see if Tony D. is anywhere around.