What is defensive stance in social responsibility?

What is defensive stance in social responsibility?

The defensive stance is a social responsibility stance in which an organization does everything that is required of it legally, but nothing more than that.

What is a proactive stance?

A proactive stance, as opposed to a reactive one, involves acting in advance of a future situation rather than simply responding to a situation that has already happened. Proactivity is about initiating change within the organization.

What is an accommodative strategy?

An accommodative strategy is defined that management may take a positive view toward CSR activities and thus is willing to partially participate in these activities or invest some corporate resources in them.

What are the four approaches in CSR?

These four approaches are obstructive, defensive, accommodating, and proactive.

What are the approaches to CSR?

Considering these actions for fulfilling social responsibilities of business enterprises, CSR practices could be grouped into four major approaches: societal approach, environmental approach, economic approach, and stakeholder approach.

What is a defensive stance in business?

Defensive Stance. An approach to social responsibility in which the organization will fight any allegations of social irresponsibility. Obstructionist Stance. An approach to social responsibility in which the organization actively tries to avoid, slow, or stop social responsibility. Proactive Stance.

What does accommodative stance mean?

An accommodative stance means a central bank will cut rates to inject money into the financial system whenever needed. A change in this stance to ‘neutral’ means RBI will alter rates in any direction to control the money supply in the system.

What is defensive stance?

And the key to being a good defender is a strong defensive stance. A good defensive stance allows you to be ready to move in any direction, to contest shots, and to have active hands, ready to steal the ball, tip passes or simply make the offense work harder to do what they want to do.

What is obstructionist strategy?

An obstructionist approach to dealing with ethical and socially responsible issues is one where managers act illegally and unethically. The organization might break the law or act in ways that are considered to be unethical and not socially responsible.

What are the major areas of social responsibility with which businesses should be concerned?

The major areas of concern are the responsibilities toward the environment (controlling air pollution, water pollution and land pollution), its customers (advertising, price management and consumer rights), its employees (recruiting, hiring, training and compensating) and its investors (financial management and inside …

What choices does a company have when responding to demands for social responsibility?

Companies can choose to respond to social responsibility in a reactive way, which typically does less than society expects by fighting suggestions. Companies can also do a defensive strategy by admitting responsibility for an action and doing the least required to meet societal expectations.

What is the purpose of corporate social responsibility?

What Is the Purpose of Corporate Social Responsibility? The purpose of corporate social responsibility is to give back to the community, take part in philanthropic causes, and provide positive social value. Businesses are increasingly turning to CSR to make a difference and build a positive brand around their company.

What is CSR example?

Some of the most common examples of CSR include: Reducing carbon footprints. Improving labor policies. Corporate policies that benefit the environment.

What are the 3 advantages of CSR into business?

The potential benefits of CSR to companies include:

  • better brand recognition.
  • positive business reputation.
  • increased sales and customer loyalty.
  • operational costs savings.
  • better financial performance.
  • greater ability to attract talent and retain staff.
  • organisational growth.
  • easier access to capital.

What is CSR and examples?

What is CSR and examples? CSR is where businesses look at how they can better serve society as a whole, thereby improving its public image and relations. Examples include Google that invested $1.5 billion into renewable energy, and Disney which invested $100 million in children’s hospitals.

Which concerns does CSR address?

Key CSR issues: environmental management, eco-efficiency, responsible sourcing, stakeholder engagement, labour standards and working conditions, employee and community relations, social equity, gender balance, human rights, good governance, and anti-corruption measures.

Is there a relationship between ethics and CSR?

Moreover, the interpretation of theory in business literature and society considers that both CSR and business ethics are the same. In fact, both corporate social responsibility and business ethics are part of the other, which means that business ethics are part of corporate social responsibility or vice versa.

Is CSR a marketing strategy?

This research study takes a look at corporate social responsibility as a marketing strategy for organizational performance. It is concluded that firms should endeavour to apply best practices of CSR in their marketing activities to protect the interest of consumers and the society.

Is CSR a marketing gimmick?

CSR practices may be a marketing gimmick or charity depending on the nature and duration of the projects adopted by the businesses. Only philanthropic and people-centric CSR projects that stand the test of time are the ones that truly change the society as well as positively develop the businesses.

Is CSR just a publicity tool?

Is CSR just a publicity tool? The answer is a definite no. CSR is not PR, you do good because you want to do good … CSR has to be a part of one’s business.

What are the three CSR models?

Looking outwards, philanthropy is often regarded as the defining component of CSR. Milton Friedman’s statement that management is to make as much money as possible within the limits of the law and ethical custom embraces three components of the CSR pyramid—economic, legal, and ethical.

What is CSR Pyramid?

The first and most obvious is the economic responsibility to be profitable. The second is the legal responsibility to obey the laws set forth by society. The third, which is closely linked to the second, is the ethical responsibility.

What was the first generation of CSR called?

As such, First Gen through EDC launched in December 2008 a major reforestation project dubbed “BINHI: A Greening Legacy” (BINHI).

How many CSR theories are there?

Three of the main CSR theories and models have been represented and analyzed in this article: The Carroll Theory, The Triple Bottom Line Theory, and The Stakeholder Theories. Since any business corporation has to adopt one of these theories, this study reveals the strength and challenges of every theory.

What is Ackerman model?

ACKERMAN MODEL (1976) The model has emphasized on the internal policy goals & their relation to the CSR. Four stages involved in CSR. Managers of the company get to know the most common social problem & then express a willingness to take a particular project which will solve some social problems.

How does the government push businesses to act responsibly?

What can be (and has been) done to encourage ethical behavior in business? Government increasing regulations, trade association’s providing ethical guidelines for their members, and companies code ethics for their employees.

How many types of theories about right action are available?

Types of Ethical Theories Depending upon the ethics a person is intended to follow, four theories were postulated by four different philosophers. These theories help to create the fundamentals of obligation suitable and applicable to professional and personal conduct of a person in his everyday life.

What are the three theories of ethics?

These three theories of ethics (utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics, virtue ethics) form the foundation of normative ethics conversations. It is important, however, that public relations professionals also understand how to apply these concepts to the actual practice of the profession.