What is code for drywall in a garage?
What is code for drywall in a garage?
The IRC code requires 1/2″ rock on the garage side of the garage walls and any supporting structure (steel posts, stud walls, etc). If there is habitable space above the garage then 5/8″ is required on the ceiling and any horizontal members such as steel beams.
What kind of drywall do you use in a garage?
What is the building code for garage drywall? Most residential building codes only specify the wall between your garage and your living space. On that wall you’d need a ¾ inch thick drywall was a fire barrier. Exterior-facing walls can use ½ inch drywall, but ¾ inch drywall is still recommended.
What is code for drywall thickness?
When applying a water-based texture material, the minimum gypsum board thickness shall be increased from 3/8 inch to 1/2 inch for 16-inch on center framing, and from 1/2 inch to 5/8 inch for 24-inch on center framing or 1/2-inch sag-resistant gypsum ceiling board shall be used.
How thick is a garage wall?
The big difference between homes and garages is basements. You need a thicker wall when there is a basement because it must resist the side loads. But a garage is back filled so the are no side loads. I have seen 4 inch for a garage but 6 inch is the norm for both and what most codes will want.
Should exterior walls be 2×4 or 2×6?
Modern conventional home building normally makes use of 2×4 lumber (top line above, second from left) in constructing exterior walls. But 2×6 framing, which is a little more than 1.5 times wider, is a common upgrade and is required by some local building codes.
How thick should OSB be for garage walls?
Should I insulate an unheated attached garage?
Yes, insulation is always worth doing no matter if you heat the garage or not. My detatched garage is well insulated. In the summer, it stays 20 or more degrees below outside temperature just by keeping the doors closed. In the winter, the garage stays 30-40 degrees above outside temperature with no heat added.
What is best for garage walls?
Plywood or OSB board: Wood walls make a durable option for garages: They can take a beating from teenagers carelessly backing out the family car and are strong enough to hang tools and equipment without worrying so much about studs. They also help absorb sound.
Should I put drywall in my garage?
Drywalling Your Garage Is a Great Project For those that spend a lot of time in the garage or have some of their most valuable belongings in there, putting up drywall in your garage is definitely worth while. It adds protection, appeal and longevity to your garage as a whole.
Can you drywall a garage without insulation?
Yeah do not drywall if you aren’t insulating. I don’t see a point at all. If you want it warmer, at least insulate and vapor barrier. You may not need a heat source with a garage of that size and a warm truck/attached house.
Can you Drywall an unheated garage?
Short answer is yes, you can drywall an unheated garage. The problem won’t come from the heat but the humidity, which causes moisture, which causes rot and mold. Even though unheated, ventilation and a dehumidifier may be necessary depending on where you live.
Should I use drywall or plywood in my garage?
Even if your area is not bound by the residential code, most homeowners prefer to use drywall over plywood. This provides added protection and safety in the possible incident of a fire hazard.
Do I need moisture resistant drywall in garage?
Don’t worry about using a mold and moisture resistant board, not worth the money. If the outer garage walls and ceiling are not insulated then spend your money there and insulate them. You could also run some heat out to the garage if that is practical for you.
What can I use instead of drywall in garage?
Instead of drywall, consider covering garage walls with cement board panels. These panels make it easy to add tile, or even stone veneer. Using stone veneer over cement board, you can create an exposed brick or natural stone wall in the garage.
Is it OK to use plywood instead of drywall?
Aside from being less fire resistant, more expensive and harder to work with, plywood is the more durable of the two materials. Unfortunately, when plywood is damaged it is harder to fix than drywall. Drywall is more universally used, and it is much easier to find someone to handle your drywall needs.
What is the R-value of 5/8 drywall?
Tables of Building Material R-values
Material | Thickness | R-value (F° · sq.ft. · hr/Btu) |
Building Board | ||
Gypsum Wall Board | 1/2″ | 0.45 |
Gypsum Wall Board | 5/8″ | 0.5625 |
Plywood | 1/2″ | 0.62 |
What is the R-value of 1/2 inch drywall?
Total R-Value of Composite Wall
Material | R-Value (ft2 o Fh / BTU) |
1/2 inch Gypsum Board (Drywall or plasterboard) | 0.45 |
Wood Siding, 1/2 inch | 0.81 |
Plywood, 3/4 inch | 0.94 |
Insulating sheathing, 3/4 inch | 2.06 |
Does drywall add R-value?
While all building materials have some kind of R-value resistance to heat movement, insulation greatly increases the R-value of a wall, ceiling, floor or other building components. As one example, drywall at 1/2″ thickness has an R-value of 0.45—a fairly low value.
Does a 2×4 have an R value?
Cavity insulation, like framing, has options. A 2×4 wall cavity can be insulated from R-13 to roughly R-25. A 2×6 wall can be insulated from R-19 to R-39. Material selection, density, and cavity depth all play a role in the “cavity” R-value of a wall.
What is the highest R value foam board?
Choose the right type of rigid foam for your needs
- Polyisocyanurate: Known as polyiso for short, polyisocyanurate foam has the highest R-value per inch (R-6.5 to R-6.8) of any rigid insulation.
- Extruded polystyrene: Extruded polystyrene (XPS) rigid foam is usually blue or pink in color, with a smooth plastic surface.
What is a good R value?
Depending on where you live and the part of your home you’re insulating (walls, crawlspace, attic, etc.), you’ll need a different R-Value. Typical recommendations for exterior walls are R-13 to R-23, while R-30, R-38 and R-49 are common for ceilings and attic spaces.
What is the highest R-value for a 2×4 wall?
Fiberglass vats are the standard insulator for 2-inch by 4-inch wall framing, and are rated R-11 through R-15. In order to achieve the higher insulation R-value of R-21 a different type of insulation will be required.
What R-value should I use in my garage?
Exterior Garage Walls Typically these will be constructed from standard 2-by-4 studs which will define the amount of insulation that you can have installed. You should be targeting an R-Value of R-13 or R-15 in these areas to properly maximize your insulation in this application.