What is Co3P2?

What is Co3P2?

Cobalt(II) phosphide | Co3P2 – PubChem.

What is the name of Mn3P2?

Manganese phosphide

What compound is cop?

COP : Summary

Code COP
One-letter code X
Synonyms PT523

What is the name for Pb so3 2?

Lead sulphite

PubChem CID 6452595
Molecular Formula O3PbS
Synonyms Lead sulphite LEAD SULFITE lead(II) sulfite 7 7446-10-8 More…
Molecular Weight 287 g/mol
Component Compounds CID 5352425 (Lead) CID 1100 (Sulfurous acid)

What is the chemical formula for K+ and s2?

Thus, 2 moles of potassium and 1 mole of sulfide ions combine to form K2S. K 2 S . The name of this compound is potassium sulfide.

What is the chemical name of s3?


What are 10 common chemicals used at home?

Molecular Formula

  • Alcohol. (ethanol) C2H6O.
  • Alka Seltzer* (sodium bicarbonate¶) CHNaO3
  • Antifreeze. (ethylene glycol) C2H6O2
  • Antiperspirant. (aluminum chlorohydrate) Al2Cl(OH)5
  • Aspirin®* (acetylsalicylic acid) C9H8O4
  • Baking powder. (sodium bicarbonate¶)
  • Battery acid. (sulphuric acid)
  • Bleach (laundry) (sodium hypochlorite¶)

What is 1 mole in grams?

114.818 grams

How many moles are in 25g of CO2?


How many moles are in 22 grams of CO2?

The mass number of CO2 = 2×16 + 12 =44 so one mole of C02 has a mass of 44g. Two moles of CO2 weighs 2 x 44 = 88g. The number of moles in 22g of CO2 = 22/44 = 0.5.

How many moles are in 4.4 grams of CO2?

=44 g/moles.

How many moles are in CO2?

A mole of CO2 molecules (we usually just say “a mole of CO2”) has one mole of carbon atoms and two moles of oxygen atoms. The atom ratio and the mole ratio of the elements are identical! 1-). Each nitrate ion contains one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms.

How many atoms are in 1g of carbon?

12 atoms