
What is another word for dumbing down?

What is another word for dumbing down?

What is another word for dumbing down?

downplaying oversimplifying
simplifying trivialisingUK

What does dump down mean?

transitive verb. : to lower the level of difficulty and the intellectual content of (something, such as a textbook) also : to lower the general level of intelligence in the dumbing down of society.

What does the idiom down in the mouth mean?

or down at the mouth. Informal. depressed; unhappy; discouraged.

What does it mean to get the ball rolling?

informal. : to begin an activity or process At the meeting, she tried to get the ball rolling by asking a few questions.

Where does get the ball rolling come from?

The first origin story states that get the ball rolling is a sports term, taken from the game of croquet. Croquet came into existence in Britain in the mid-1850s, though a similar game named pall-mall had existed in France since the mid-1600s.

What does get the word out mean?

If you get the word out, you inform or let people or the public know about something. Category: General. Contributed By: Cuimris.

What does it mean when someone says no dice?

No dice, from the 1920s, alludes to an unlucky throw in gambling; no go, alluding to lack of progress, dates from about 1820; and no soap dates from about 1920 and possibly alludes to the phrase it won’t wash, meaning “it won’t find acceptance.” Also see nothing doing; won’t wash. …

What does the idiom bought the farm mean?

Question: What is meant by the phrase “bought the farm”? Answer: It comes from a 1950s-era Air Force term meaning “to crash” or “to be killed in action,” and refers to the desire of many wartime pilots to stop flying, return home, buy a farm, and live peaceably ever after.

Why do we say close but no cigar?

The expression, “Close, but no cigar” means that a person fell slightly short of a successful outcome and therefore gets no reward. The phrase most likely originated in the 1920s when fairs, or carnivals, would hand out cigars as prizes. At that time, the games were targeted towards adults, not kids.

What does bought mean?

Bought is the past tense and past participle of the verb to buy, which means “to obtain something by paying money for it.”

What is difference between bought and brought?

‘Brought’ is the past tense of bring. When you pronounce the word ‘brought’, listen for the ‘r’ sound after the ‘b’. ‘Bought’ is the past tense of ‘buy’.

Is bout a word?

bout n. A period of something, usually painful or unpleasant.

What is the meaning of examples?

1 : one that serves as a pattern to be imitated or not to be imitated a good example. 2 : a punishment inflicted on someone as a warning to others also : an individual so punished. 3 : one that is representative of all of a group or type.