
What is another word for conundrum?

What is another word for conundrum?

Conundrum Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for conundrum?

puzzle enigma
problem mystery
riddle dilemma
poser difficulty
head-scratcher mystification

How do you use conundrum in a sentence?

Conundrum in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The conundrum is that I am stranded in the middle of nowhere without my cell phone.
  2. The government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to unearth a solution to the fuel conundrum.
  3. Perhaps the answer to the fuel conundrum is mandatory carpooling.

What does it mean when someone is an enigma?

A person who is described as an enigma is a bit of a mystery. You never know what that person is really thinking, or what his or her motives for doing something are.

How do you use Enigma in a sentence?

Enigma sentence example

  1. My past is such an enigma ; I don’t know any of the details.
  2. It was the most perplexing enigma in astronomy.
  3. Some clue to this enigma might be found by asking a lot of questions.
  4. The reason that the source of the noise is such an enigma is that no one ever traced the sound when they heard it.

What is cultural conundrum?

The Culture Conundrum. The culture conundrum refers to the question of how to develop and maintain an organization culture that will facilitate the delivery of sustainable stellar performance.

Is claptrap the same?

The Claptrap we meet in the first Borderlands is the same as the Claptrap seen in Borderlands 2 and the playable class in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Claptrap’s point of view is lower than other characters because he is so small.

Is claptrap a FragTrap?

“FragTrap” is the class that the original Claptrap is classified as, just as Roland is the “Soldier”, Brick is the “Beserker”, Maya and Lilith are the “Sirens”, Zero is the “Assassin” and so on. “Fragtrap” is the Claptrap that we know and love from both Borderlands games.

What happens when you find all dead claptrap?

Claptrap will first notify the player of his plans when they get close to the location of a dead Claptrap unit (eg. seeing it on the minimap). All dead Claptrap units met their end in a typically humorous situation, and contain a single functioning mechanism that Claptrap will ask the Vault Hunters to collect.

What happens if you play as claptrap?

Claptrap will put together a bomb that will explode after a few seconds, hitting everyone in the vicinity with a massive amount of damage. If no one is hit, however, Claptrap will enter into a Fight For Your Life period, and have to shoot someone to recover.

Why is handsome Jack called?

So what if Handsome Jack is really John and Jack is a nickname, cuz, “cooler” than John? he calls him john when he’s pissed off at him. Jack is a nickname for John, John is the formal. Tassiter is pissed off at Jack and calls him John.

Who is Handsome Jack’s girlfriend?
