
What is Ana in seedfolks?

What is Ana in seedfolks?

Ana is an elderly woman who watches the changing neighborhood through her apartment window. She moved to Gibb Street in 1919, when she was four, and has seen the cultural make-up of the neighborhood change throughout the years. She notices Kim outside in the vacant lot and assumes she’s up to no good.

What race is Ana in seedfolks?

She’s an older Romanian woman, and there’s just one thing she likes more than anything else: people watching. Okay, we’ll admit it, Ana’s people-watching is borderline creepy. But despite her slightly stalker-like tendencies, Ana is the curious creature inside all of us.

Why does Ana visit the lot in seedfolks?

Why does Ana visit the vacant lot? She wants to plant something in the lot just like Kim. She wants to find out what Kim is burying in the ground of the lot. She likes to take walks in the neighborhood and she often visits the lot.

Where is Ana from seedfolks?

Ana is originally from Romania, and she is initially suspicious that Kim is up to no good. She investigates and later becomes involved in the project when she realizes what Kim is up to.

Why did Ana stay in her old neighborhood?

Why did Ana stay in her old neighborhood? She stayed because she saw so much history from the window. She show the changes in the world as she grew older.

Why doesn’t Ana have a TV seedfolks?

Seedfolks: Chapter 2: Ana Summary & Analysis. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Seedfolks, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Ana loves to sit and look out the window. It means she doesn’t need a TV, as from her window she can see 48 apartment windows and a sliver of Lake Erie.

What does Ana discover in the vacant lot?

One day she saw a young girl hiding behind an old refrigerator and digging in the dirt in the vacant lot nearby. Ana views this action as suspicious and her curiosity is sparked when she realizes the young girl is burying something.

Why did Anna feel suspicious about Kim’s behavior?

Ana dug up the seeds because she thought Kim was doing something she shouldn’t be doing, like hiding drugs. She felt badly and gently put the beans back in the ground. She had dug up her beans and felt bad about it.

Why does Ana Call Wendell to help?

Why does Ana call Wendell to help? They are the only white people left. What does Wendell mean by the saying, “and a little child shall lead them”? The little child was Kim and she helped Wendell see that he could change something too.

How old is Ana in the book Seedfolks?

Plot & Character Summary: In the second chapter of the book “Seedfolks” the narrator is named Ana. She is an old woman that is about 70-80 years old and she lives in Cleveland in an apartment. This character is related to Kim because all she talks about in this chapter is related to what Kim is doing.

How is ana related to Kim in Seedfolks?

This character is related to Kim because all she talks about in this chapter is related to what Kim is doing. We know that Ana sees Kim plant the beans and later Ana digs up the beans.

Why does Ana call the police in Seedfolks?

When the weather warms, Ana sees her several times in the mornings on her way to school, crouching down with her back to Ana’s window. Ana’s curiosity feels like a fever. It’s telling that Ana’s first thought is to call the police, as it emphasizes that Ana deeply distrusts her neighbors.

When is Chapter 2 of Seedfolks coming out?

“Seedfolks Chapter 2: Ana.” LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 24 Dec 2020. Web. 7 Aug 2021. Need something? Request a new guide. How can we improve?