What is an example of inertia in an ecosystem?

What is an example of inertia in an ecosystem?

Tropical rain forests have high inertia because they have many different species resulting in a number of feeding paths and more ways to respond to environmental stresses allowing them to resist significant alteration or destruction as long as large areas are not degraded.

What is the difference between environmental inertia and environmental resilience?

Inertia (persistence): Resistance to being altered. Constancy: Ability to maintain a certain size. Resilience: Ability to recover.

What principle is applied for stabilization of ecosystem?

The Principles of Ecosystem Stability are: Ecosystems dispose of waste and replenish nutrients by recycling all elements. Ecosystems use sunlight as their source of energy. The size of a consumer population is maintained such that overgrazing and other forms of overuse do not occur.

What is the measure of stability in an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is said to possess ecological stability (or equilibrium) if it is capable of returning to its equilibrium state after a perturbation (a capacity known as resilience) or does not experience unexpected large changes in its characteristics across time.

What is stability in environmental science?

Stability (of ecosystem) refers to the capability of a natural system to apply self—regulating mechanisms so as to return to a steady state after an outside disturbance.

Which ecosystem has maximum biodiversity?

Coral reefs

Which country has highest biodiversity?


Which ecosystem has the highest level of salinity?

Study Guide

Question Answer
which ecosystem has the highest level of salinity salt marsh
what are three threats to coral reefs oil spills, sewage, pesticides
photosynthesis does not occur in deep ocean water because no sunlight
Plankton form what part of the marine food web base

Where is most marine life?

Most marine life is found in coastal habitats, even though the shelf area occupies only seven percent of the total ocean area. Open ocean habitats are found in the deep ocean beyond the edge of the continental shelf.

Why estuaries are very productive ecosystems?

Explain why estuaries are very productive ecosystems. Estuaries are very productive because they constantly receive nutrients from rivers and for the ocean. Estuaries are vulnerable to pollution because ocean, lake, and river pollutants enter and because dense human settlements surround most estuaries.

What aquatic ecosystem is the most productive?

Wetlands are the most productive natural ecosystems in the world because of the proximity of water and soil. Hence they support large numbers of plant and animal species.

What are the 4 types of aquatic ecosystems?

Ocean ecosystems are divided into four zones: intertidal, pelagic, benthic and abyssal.

How can we save aquatic ecosystems?


  1. Don’t pour chemicals down storm drains.
  2. Recycle.
  3. Don’t use fertillizer if you live near bodies of water.
  4. Allow for species to reproduce before you fish for them.
  5. Support local fisheries to help maintain healthy populations of fish.

Why is aquatic life important?

We depend on many aquatic plants and animals, and their ecological functions, for our survival. Our aquatic wildlife are important sources of food, energy, jobs, atmospheric oxygen, buffers against new diseases, pests, and predators, and protection against food shortages and global climate change.

Why do we need to preserve aquatic ecosystem?

Oceans are an important source of food. They host 80 percent of the planet’s biodiversity, and are the largest ecosystem on Earth. Fish provide 20 percent of animal protein to about 3 billion people. Over 90% of the additional heat caused by global warming is stored in the Oceans.

What are the greatest threats to terrestrial or aquatic biodiversity?

Five main threats to biodiversity are commonly recognized in the programmes of work of the Convention: invasive alien species, climate change, nutrient loading and pollution, habitat change, and overexploitation.

What are the 3 major threats to biodiversity?

The three greatest proximate threats to biodiversity are habitat loss, overharvesting, and introduction of exotic species. The first two of these are a direct result of human population growth and resource use.

How many species die a day?

150 species