
What is abbreviation USSR?

What is abbreviation USSR?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

What is the USSR now called?

Russia is the primary de facto internationally recognized successor state to the Soviet Union after the Cold War; while Ukraine has, by law, proclaimed that it is a state-successor of both the Ukrainian SSR and the Soviet Union which remained under dispute over formerly Soviet-owned properties.

What does USSR mean in text?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

What does CCP stand for?


Acronym Definition
CCP Community Care Program
CCP Conference on Computational Physics
CCP Communist Party of the Philippines
CCP Child Care Professional

When was the USSR started What do the letters stand for *?

The Soviet Union (short for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR) was a single-party Marxist–Leninist state. It existed for 69 years, from 1922 until 1991.

What is SEC abbreviation?

Securities and Exchange Commission
In the United States, the SEC is a government agency that regulates the buying and selling of securities. SEC is an abbreviation for ‘Securities and Exchange Commission. ‘

What is the pronunciation of Soviet?

Break ‘Soviet’ down into sounds: [SOH] + [VEE] + [UHT] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

What is CIA abbreviation?

Central Intelligence Agency
abbreviation. Central Intelligence Agency: the U.S. federal agency that coordinates governmental intelligence activities outside the United States.

What is CCP in Hong Kong?

The pro-Beijing camp, pro-establishment camp, pro-government camp or pro-China camp refers to a political alignment in Hong Kong which generally supports the policies of the Beijing central government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) towards Hong Kong.