What is a synonym for ubiquitous?

What is a synonym for ubiquitous?

Synonyms for ubiquitous. omnipresent, universal, wall-to-wall.

What is the opposite of Urge?

Opposite of a sudden impulse or desire. nonchalance. disinterest. indifference. apathy.

What is the opposite of generalized?

In logic, the opposite to generalization is instantiation. When you have shown than something is true of an arbitrarily chosen individual, the rule of universal generalization allows you to infer that it is true of all individuals.

What is another word for generalized?

What is another word for generalized?

vague comprehensive
general global
hazy indiscriminate
nebulous obscure
sweeping universal

What is the opposite of generalization in psychology?

The opposite of generalization is discrimination. Discrimination occurs when an organism responds differently to two stimuli.

How can you distinguish between Generalisation and discrimination?

After conditioning is established, and another stimulus similar to the CS (e.g., ringing to telephone) is presented, the organisms make the conditioned response to it. This pehenomenon of responding similarly to similar stimuli is known as generalisation. Discrimination: Discrimination is a response due to difference.

What is the difference between generalization and discrimination?

Here’s how they work. Psychology’s definition of discrimination is when the same organism responds differently to different stimuli. This means that you discriminate in your reactions to the two different animals. In generalization, on the other hand, the organism has the same reaction to different stimuli.

What is operant discrimination?

The discriminated operant is an operant response that is under the stimulus control of a discriminative stimulus. Such control is established by reinforcing the response in the presence of that discriminative stimulus. For example, after appropriate training, your dog will lift his paw to the verbal command “shake.”

What is Thorndike’s Law of Effect?

In Edward L. Thorndike. The law of effect stated that those behavioral responses that were most closely followed by a satisfying result were most likely to become established patterns and to occur again in response to the same stimulus.

What is meant by stimulus Generalisation?

In the conditioning process, stimulus generalization is the tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been conditioned. One famous psychology experiment perfectly illustrated how stimulus generalization works.

What does Counterconditioning mean?

Counter-conditioning means changing the pet’s emotional response, feelings or attitude toward a stimulus. For example, the dog that lunges at the window when a delivery person walks by is displaying an emotional response of fear or anxiety.

How do I desensitize my dog?

Distance: Begin desensitization from a distance and move progressively closer as the pet is successfully counter-conditioned. Volume: Play sound stimuli in varying intensities from quiet to loud. Movement/activity: Begin with the stimulus standing, before proceeding to walking slowly, jogging or running.

What is Counterconditioning in psychology?

Counterconditioning (also called stimulus substitution) is functional analytic principle that is part of behavior analysis, and involves the conditioning of an unwanted behavior or response to a stimulus into a wanted behavior or response by the association of positive actions with the stimulus.

How can I stop my dog chasing my cat?

A step-by-step guide on how to stop dogs chasing cats

  1. Method 1 – Be in control of their attention. If your cat is happy in a cat crate, put them in and place the crate in a room (when your puppy is not around).
  2. Method 2 – Call the dog to you.
  3. Method 3 – Use an adjustable lead.

Why is my dog obsessed with the cat?

If your dog has a strong prey drive (the inclination to seek out, chase and potentially capture animals seen as prey — usually smaller animals such as cats or rabbits), she might become very focused on the cat.

Why does my cat slap my dog?

Probably to assert dominance. Cats don’t form hierarchies like dogs do, they feel that they are automatically the boss in their household. Mostly, the cat will swat a dog or a human with claws in, but do keep an eye out for the cat hitting with claws out as this could injure the dog.

Why does my cat slap me with his paw?

The reason why cats slap or hit you or other animals is that they might feel over-stimulated. It happens when you pet them too much, and this is their only way to make you stop. The other reason might be that they just want to play with you.

Why does my cat hit me with his paw when I pet him?

Cats that bite or scratch in the middle of being petted are cats in emotional conflict. They want attention but they fear it too. To begin with they enjoy a little contact and love, but after a certain time they get frightened. At this point they bite or scratch in order to bring the petting to an end.