
What is a Syke?

What is a Syke?

Syke or Sike (n.) by Brian Whalley. Middle English (northern dialect), small stream, rill, from Old English sīc. (From http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/syke) 1.dial chiefly British : a small stream; especially : one that dries up in summer.

What does airhead mean in slang?

noun. Slang. a scatterbrained, stupid, or simple-minded person; dolt: Even though she’s crazy about surfing, she’s not the bikini-babe airhead you might think.

What is a simple minded person?

adjective. If you describe someone as simple-minded, you believe that they interpret things in a way that is too simple and do not understand how complicated things are. [disapproval] They were all simple-minded romantics.

What is a simple minded woman?

The definition of simple-minded is someone who is unsophisticated, foolish or mentally impaired. An example of someone who would be described as simple-minded is a person who cannot understand or grasp most concepts and who is lacking in insight.

What does carved mean?

1 : to cut with care or precision carved fretwork. 2 : to make or get by or as if by cutting —often used with out carve out a career. 3 : to cut into pieces or slices carved the turkey.

What does carved out mean?

Verb. 1. carve out – establish or create through painstaking effort; “She carved out a reputation among her male colleagues” create – bring into existence; “The company was created 25 years ago”; “He created a new movement in painting”

What type of word is carved?

verb (used with object), carved, carv·ing. to form from a solid material by cutting: to carve a statue out of stone. to cut into slices or pieces, as a roast of meat.

What is the synonym of carving?

Synonyms. sculpture cinquefoil glyptic art scrimshaw vermiculation woodcarving glyptography.

What’s another word for chiseled?

Chiseled Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for chiseled?

carved carven
shope sculptured
hewed hew
hewn incised
roughhewed roughhewn

What is another word for cut?

SYNONYMS FOR cut 1 gash, slash, slit, lance. 2 cleave, sunder, bisect.

What is the opposite of carve?

delete. Verb. ▲ Opposite of to carve or engrave (something) into a material. emboss.

What is the opposite of clue?

What is the opposite of clue?

mystery ambiguity
conundrum enigma
equivocacy equivocality
incertitude indefiniteness
obscurity unclearness

What is the antonym of adorn?

adorn. Antonyms: mar, spoil, deform, deface, disfigure, impoverish, denude, despoil, strip, bare, disembellish. Synonyms: beautify, bedeck, ornament, decorate, embellish, deck, garnish, gild, enrich.

What does adorn you mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to enhance the appearance of especially with beautiful objects adorned the wall with her paintings. 2 : to enliven or decorate as if with ornaments people of fashion who adorned the Court.

How do you spell adorn?

Correct spelling for the English word “adorn” is [ɐdˈɔːn], [ɐdˈɔːn], [ɐ_d_ˈɔː_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for ADORN

  1. adorned,
  2. adrenal,
  3. Adriane,
  4. adrian,
  5. Adrianne,
  6. Adrien,
  7. adoring,
  8. Adriana,

What is the definition of profusely?

1 : pouring forth liberally : extravagant profuse in their thanks. 2 : exhibiting great abundance : bountiful a profuse harvest.

What artisan means?

1 : a worker who practices a trade or handicraft : craftsperson a skilled artisan. 2 : a person or company that produces something (such as cheese or wine) in limited quantities often using traditional methods —often used before another noun artisan breads.

What does adjourned mean?

: to suspend indefinitely or until a later stated time adjourn a meeting Court is adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow. intransitive verb. 1 : to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place Congress will not adjourn until the budget has been completed. 2 : to move to another place We adjourned to the library …

Why is a case adjourned?

If the magistrates agree, the case can be adjourned for a short time to allow the additional information to be prepared and given to the defendant there and then. The court will proceed to try the informations afresh, subject to any adjournment if the defendant has been unfairly prejudiced.

What is adjourn meeting?

Adjournment means suspending a meeting after it has been duly commenced either indefinitely or so that it may be resumed at a future time and/or place fixed in that meeting or as decided later on.