
What is a stolen moment?

What is a stolen moment?

The Urban Dictionary defines stolen moments as ‘time set aside for a treasured activity’.

What is the meaning of stole?

Definition of stole (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a long loose garment : robe. 2 : an ecclesiastical vestment consisting of a long usually silk band worn traditionally around the neck by bishops and priests and over the left shoulder by deacons. 3 : a long wide scarf or similar covering worn by women usually across the shoulders.

Have Stolen meaning?

Stolen is defined as something was taken by someone who was not the owner. When you took a stranger’s car without permission, this is an example of when you have stolen his car. verb.

What do moments mean?

1a : a minute portion or point of time : instant a moment of dreadful suspense— Graham Greene. b : a comparatively brief period of time moments of solitude. 2a : present time at the moment she is at work on her fourth novel — Holiday.

Why are moments called moments?

Apparently, the concept of moments can be traced back to the discovery of the operating principle of the lever “discovered” by Archimedes. One of the first known occurrence is the Latin word “momentorum” with the present accepted sense (moment about a center of rotation).

What is another word for moments?

In this page you can discover 55 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for moment, like: minute, jiff, ephemerality, twinkling, instant, transitory, significance, short-lived, second, flash and ephemeral.

What does short time mean?

: a work schedule in which an employee works fewer hours than usual The company hasn’t laid anyone off, but a number of employees have been put on short time.

Is Jiff a word?

jiff n. (informal) A jiffy; a moment; a short time. jiff v. (slang) to deceive, swindle, trick….

Is Jif a legal Scrabble word?

No, jif is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does JS mean in slang?

Just Saying

What does it mean to smoke AJ?

A joint is another name for a cannabis cigarette. A joint was one of the first ways that marijuana was smoked. Simply put, a joint is a rolled marijuana cigarette. It is often rolled with partially translucent papers – known as rolling papers – that lack the awful additives found in cigars and cigarettes.

Why is it called a doobie?

A “doobie” is a slang term used for a marijuana cigarette. The word is derived from the latin term dubiety which could mean 1 : giving rise to uncertainty: questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality. The word could have just as easily arrived from terms like “dubout.

What’s a doobie blunt?

‘J’ or ‘jay’ can be used as an abbreviation for a generic joint. Another frequently used term is ‘doobie.’ The end or butt of a mostly smoked joint is referred to as a “roach” in U.S. and Australian slang.

Why is a Roach called a roach?

According to Callier the term roach was inspired by the Latin American folk song “La Cucaracha”.