What is a prized possession?

What is a prized possession?

Prized Possession from the Dictionary: “The biggest thing in your life, the one thing you couldn’t imagine your life without” “Something you care for deeply above all else” “It could be anything you cherish close to your own heart and can be worth millions or worth nothing to someone else”

What is another word for prized possession?

What is another word for most prized possession?

obsession pride
showpiece treasure
poster child pride and joy
the apple of your eye pick
best elite

What is a man’s most prized possession?

According to a survey of 1,000 people from across the country by Bluetooth tracking experts TheTrackr.com, 43 percent of Americans name their photos as one of their top three most prized possessions – by far topping the 29 percent who named their homes and the 21 percent who named their cars.

How do you take care of your prized possession?

How To Keep Your Valuables And Prized-Possessions Safe!

  1. Use Safety Deposit Boxes.
  2. Take Inventory And Photographs.
  3. Use Self storage.
  4. 4 Get Home Contents Insurance.
  5. 5 Pack For Long-Term Storage.
  6. 6 Put In Place Precautionary Measures For When You’re Not Home.
  7. Don’t Forget To Protect Your Identifying Information.

How do you show singular possession?

The general rule is that the possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and s, whether the singular noun ends in s or not. The possessive of a plural noun is formed by adding only an apostrophe when the noun ends in s, and by adding both an apostrophe and s when it ends in a letter other than s.

How do you make a family possessive?

When it comes to showing possession, to make most surnames possessive, simply add an apostrophe and an “s.” Mr. Smith’s car was repossessed. For showing family possession with surnames that are plural and possessive, make the name plural first by adding an “s” and then add an apostrophe to make them possessive.

What is the possessive of family?

Here’s the summary for the word “family”: Plural (non-possessive): families. Possessive Singular: family’s. Possessive Plural: families’

How is family spelled?

Correct spelling for the English word “Family” is [fˈamɪli], [fˈamɪli], [f_ˈa_m_ɪ_l_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is it friends and family or family and friends?

Obviously there are only two alternatives, and the usual alternative I and my family and friends would use is exactly that: ‘family and friends. ‘ ‘We always have our family and friends over for the big birthdays.

What are friends and family called?

noun [countable] informal. people who are not related to you but are your very close friends and are as important to you as your family.

Who are family friends?

: a person who has known and spent time with one’s family She is a family friend.