What is a Mooshie?

What is a Mooshie?

mooshie. The absolute best of anything. This food is mooshie. The moon looks mooshie. My daughter is mooshie.

What does Keke mean in German?

[keke] m populaire | Slang, saloppe Umgangssprache, Jargon pop.

What causes air drag?

Drag is generated by the difference in velocity between the solid object and the fluid. There must be motion between the object and the fluid. We can think of drag as aerodynamic friction, and one of the sources of drag is the skin friction between the molecules of the air and the solid surface of the aircraft.

How does streamlining reduce drag?

Streamlining, in aerodynamics, the contouring of an object, such as an aircraft body, to reduce its drag, or resistance to motion through a stream of air. A moving body causes the air to flow around it in definite patterns, the components of which are called streamlines.

How do rockets reduce drag?

Making a rocket as narrow as possible is the best way to reduce drag. The speed of a rocket through the air similarly increases drag. As speed doubles, drag increases four times as much.

What is maximum aerodynamic pressure?

The max q condition is the point when an aerospace vehicle’s atmospheric flight reaches maximum dynamic pressure. This is a significant factor in the design of such vehicles because the aerodynamic structural load on them is proportional to dynamic pressure. This may impose limits on the vehicle’s flight envelope.

What are the 2 main roles of the guidance system?

The guidance system has two main roles during the launch of a rocket; to provide stability for the rocket, and to control the rocket during maneuvers. The motion of any object in flight is a combination of the translation of the center of gravity and the rotation of the object about its center of gravity.

How does weight affect a rocket?

With any rocket, and especially with liquid-propellant rockets, weight is an important factor. In general, the heavier the rocket, the more the thrust needed to get it off the ground. Because of the pumps and fuel lines, liquid engines are much heavier than solid engines.

What fuel do space rockets use?

liquid hydrogen

How much does it cost to fuel a rocket?

kilogram of the fuel. While finding the liquid propellant costs is relatively easy, finding costs for solid fuels is more difficult. However, the cost of solid rocket propellant is estimated at approximately $5/kg.

Does a rocket go straight up?

The rocket begins by flying straight up, gaining both vertical speed and altitude. During this portion of the launch, gravity acts directly against the thrust of the rocket, lowering its vertical acceleration. The pitchover angle varies with the launch vehicle and is included in the rocket’s inertial guidance system.

Why do rockets fly east?

So if we launch the rocket toward the east, it will get another big boost from Earth’s rotational motion. Now, we launch eastward. Then, when the spacecraft is headed in the same direction as Earth’s orbital motion around the sun, the rocket gives it a final boost out of Earth orbit and on its way.

What fuel does Spacex Falcon Heavy use?

Falcon Heavy

Specific impulse Sea level: 282 seconds Vacuum: 311 seconds
Burn time 154 seconds
Fuel Subcooled LOX / Chilled RP-1
First stage