
What is a good shorthand typing speed?

What is a good shorthand typing speed?

60-80 words per minute

Is there a shorthand keyboard?

A stenotype, stenotype machine, shorthand machine or steno writer is a specialized chorded keyboard or typewriter used by stenographers for shorthand use.

Is Steno a good job?

Despite technology playing a large role in our lives, there is still a high demand for Stenographers. Their services are used in many fields such as courtrooms, government offices, in CEO’s offices, politicians, doctors and many more fields. A stenographer’s job is highly rewarding as the demand is high.

What is difference between steno and shorthand?

There is no difference between steno and shorthand. He is only one course whose called stenography by us.

Is SSC Stenographer a good job?

In SSC Stenographer, if you get Grade C, you will get 4200 grade pay and inhand salary of approx 30000. Ifyou get Grade D, your our grade pay will be 2400 and inhand salary of approx 20000. Thus we can say that the Salary of Stenographer Grade C is best out of the whole lot.

What is qualification for stenographer?

A candidate must lie in the age domain of 18-30 years to be eligible for SSC Stenographer 2020 Grade C Exam. i.e. candidates born not before and not later than are eligible to apply. A candidate must lie in the age domain of 18-27 years to be eligible for SSC Stenographer 2020 Grade D Exam.

What is SSC Stenographer salary?

SSC Stenographer Salary is different for the two grades for which the SSC conducts the recruitment, i.e. Grade C and Grade D….SSC Stenographer Grade C Salary.

Pay Scale /th>
Pay Band 4200 0r 4600 (Pay Grade 2)
Initial Salary 5200
Basic Salary 14500

How the salary is calculated?

Here the basic salary will be calculated as per follows Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance + HRA Allowance + conveyance allowance + entertainment allowance + medical insurance here the gross salary 594,000. The deduction will be Income tax and provident fund under which the net salary comes around 497,160.

What is salary grade pay?

Basic pay is the minimum sum of earnings that an employee stands to receive. Government employees, apart from basic pay, also receive grade pay, which is calculated depending on the category or class of the employee. The total of basic pay and grade pay is used in assessing dearness and other allowances.

What is level 10 salary?

While the pay scale for Level-11 jobs is Rs 67,700 to Rs 2,08,700 , the pay scale for jobs in the Level-10 is Rs 56,100 to Rs 1,77,500.

How do I calculate my salary on 9300?

  1. Total Salary as per 7th Pay Commission = Basic / Entry Pay + Dearness Allowance (17%) + House Rent Allowance + MA.
  2. Net Salary: Gross Salary – Deductions.
  3. Salary Calculator for Pay Scale 9300-34800 & as per 7th Pay Commission.

What is the salary of 4200 grade pay?

7th pay commission pay matrix

Pay Matrix (Civilian Employees)
Pay Band /td>

Grade Pay 1800 4200
Entry Pay (EP) 7000 13500
Level 0001 0006

What is the salary of 6000 grade pay?

7th CPC For Professors

Level Academic Grade Pay (₹) Entry Pay (Rs.)
10 6,000 21,600
11 7,000 25,790
12 8,000 29,900
13A 9,000 49,200

What is the in hand salary of 4200 grade pay?

SSC CGL Salary after 7th pay commission

Job Posts & Department Grade-Pay Net in hand salary (After 7th pay commission)
Statistical Investigator Grade II – Registrar General of India 4200 49543 (X) 44636 (Y) 41804 (Z)
Sub-Inspector – NIA 4200
Auditor – Under CGDA 2800 41526 (X) 37115 (Y) 34779 (Z)
Auditor – Under C & AG 2800

IS 4600 grade pay gazetted?

Within this Group-B classification, posts in GP 4200/Level-6 are generally classified as ‘non-gazetted’ and those in GP 4600/Level-7 and above as ‘gazetted’ in the Recruitment Rules.

How do you read grade pay?

Grade pay means if you get promoted to the next grade / band / role / position, your basic will be increased by Rs 4600, so the new basic will become 13900. DA will again be 120% of this, so in effect gross salary will increase by corresponding amount. 34800 is the highest basic salary level for this job.

What is difference between basic pay and pay scale?

Basic salary is the figure agreed upon between a company, its employee, without factoring in bonus, overtime, or any kind of extra compensation. Gross salary, on the other hand, includes overtime pay and bonuses, but does not consider taxes and other deductions. Say for instance, an employee’s gross salary is Rs.

What does pay grade 7 mean?

The GS-7 pay grade generally marks an entry-level position. GS-7 is usually the starting grade for scientist, engineers and other professions who are starting directly out of university or who otherwise have limited relevant experience.

What is current grade in job?

A job grade is a grouping that encompasses positions with the same or similar values in order to assign compensation rates and structures. The range of pay for every job within a job grade is traditionally the same, with a minimum and maximum rate being established.