
What is a good name for a princess?

What is a good name for a princess?

Bounty’s most popular princess names

  • Elizabeth.
  • Diana.
  • Victoria.
  • Alexandra.
  • Charlotte.
  • Sophia.
  • Emily.
  • Mary.

Who are the 15 princesses?

For a rundown, the 11 characters of the official Disney Princess franchise are Snow White (age 14), Jasmine (15), Ariel (16), Aurora (16), Mulan (16), Merida (16), Belle (17), Pocahontas (18), Rapunzel (18), Cinderella (19) and Tiana (19).

What are the Disney Princesses real names?

The first eight Princesses were once represented as elements on a periodic table at a candy store at Downtown Disney in Orlando, FL.

  • Snow White: S – sulfur.
  • Cinderella: C – carbon.
  • Aurora: Au – gold.
  • Ariel: Ai – fictional.
  • Belle: B – boron.
  • Jasmine: J – jodium, the former name of iodine.
  • Pocahontas: P – phosphorus.

What is Princess Aurora full name?

Aurora as she appears in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty wearing the blue version of her famous color-changing ballgown. Princess Aurora, also known as Sleeping Beauty or Briar Rose, is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Productions’ 16th animated feature film Sleeping Beauty (1959).

Which is the ugliest Disney princess?


What is Princess Elsa’s last name?

Elsa, Anna, and Hans all have the last name Oldenburg, because that was the ruling house of both Denmark and Norway at the time. So, yeah, Elsa & Anna Oldenburg.

What mental illness does Belle have?

Running into the woods she encountered wolves that would have Page 2 killed her were it not for her captor, Beast, rescuing her. At this moment Belle becomes extremely emotionally attached and Stockholm Syndrome has taken full effect on Belle.

Why is Elsa sad?

Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and helplessness. First of all, Elsa has feelings of intense guilt over harming her sister. That is part of the reason why she hides for so long; she is afraid of hurting her again. She also feels like she can’t control her powers.