What is a dumb terminal and an intelligent terminal?

What is a dumb terminal and an intelligent terminal?

Intelligent terminals include memory and a processor to perform special display operations. In contrast, a dumb terminal has no processing capabilities; it must rely entirely on the central computer. A smart terminal has some processing capabilities, but not as much as an intelligent terminal.

What is a common use of dumb terminals?

What is a common use of dumb terminals? Dumb Terminal is used data entry in any organization. Dumb terminal does not have processing capability. Dumb terminal is completely depends on network server.

What is meant by a dumb terminal What are its main advantages?

A terminal that connects to a central shared main computer, it has no processing ability of its own. Advantages were mainly cost and ease of software maintenance, only 1 computer to administer.

What is a smart terminal?

A smart terminal is a modern version of the credit card terminal that, in addition to processing transactions, allows merchants to manage their business more efficiently.

What are the types of terminals?

One of the most common types of computer terminal is a monitor and keyboard setup that is connected to a larger computer through a network interface. Other types of computer terminals include handheld terminals and dedicated devices such as credit card reading terminals and point of sale terminals.

What is a terminal in computing?

A computer terminal is an electronic or electromechanical hardware device that can be used for entering data into, and transcribing data from, a computer or a computing system. The teletype was an example of an early day hardcopy terminal, and predated the use of a computer screen by decades.

What is called terminal?

The word “terminal” comes from early computer systems that were used to send commands to other computers. Terminals often consist of just a keyboard and monitor, with a connection to another computer. This type of program is often abbreviated “TTY” and may also be referred to as a command-line interface. …

What is an example of terminal?

The definition of terminal refers to the end of something, or something that is likely to end in death. The date on which a government aid program will end is an example of a terminal date. Cancer that is going to result in a person dying in a month is an example of a terminal disease.

What is another word for terminally ill?

In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for terminally-ill, like: on the critical list, , in critical condition, on-one-s-deathbed and at-death-s-door.

What is terminal driver?

We now study the device drivers for the terminal device. Together, these drivers are referred to as the terminal driver. A terminal driver implements two interfaces: an I/O interface that processes may use to interact with a user and a user interface that users may use to interact with processes.

What are TTY devices in Linux?

In essence, tty is short for teletype, but it’s more popularly known as terminal. It’s basically a device (implemented in software nowadays) that allows you to interact with the system by passing on the data (you input) to the system, and displaying the output produced by the system. ttys can be of different types.

What is a character device driver?

Character device drivers normally perform I/O in a byte stream. Examples of devices using character drivers include tape drives and serial ports. Character device drivers can also provide additional interfaces not present in block drivers, such as I/O control (ioctl) commands, memory mapping, and device polling.

Which terminal does no processing on input characters?

In non-canonical mode input processing, input bytes are not assembled into lines, and erase and kill processing shall not occur. The values of the MIN and TIME members of the c_cc array are used to determine how to process the bytes received.

What is terminal interface?

The command line interface is a program on your computer that allows you to create and delete files, run programs, and navigate through folders and files. On a Mac, it’s called Terminal, and on Windows, it’s Command Prompt. Pro Tip: Command line interface is commonly abbreviated to “CLI.”

What is Termios in Linux?

The termios functions describe a general terminal interface that is provided to control asynchronous communications ports. The termios structure Many of the functions described here have a termios_p argument that is a pointer to a termios structure.

What is canonical input?

In canonical input mode, the operating system provides input editing facilities: some characters are interpreted specially to perform editing operations within the current line of text, such as ERASE and KILL. Most programs use canonical input mode, because this gives the user a way to edit input line by line.

What does Canonical mean?

1 : of, relating to, or forming a canon canonical scriptures. 2 : conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure : orthodox His proposals were generally accepted as canonical. 3 : of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon.

What is Termios H?

DESCRIPTION. The <termios. h> header contains the definitions used by the terminal I/O interfaces (see the XBD specification, General Terminal Interface for the structures and names defined).

What are the types of device drivers?

For almost every device associated with the computer system there exist Device Driver for the particular hardware.But it can be broadly classified into two types i.e.,

  • Kernel-mode Device Driver –
  • User-mode Device Driver –

Which are the two types of device files?

There are two general kinds of device files in Unix-like operating systems, known as character special files and block special files. The difference between them lies in how much data is read and written by the operating system and hardware.

What are block and character devices?

The block devices access the disk using the system’s normal buffering mechanism. The character devices provide for direct transmission between the disk and the user’s read or write buffer.

What is the difference between character device and block device?

Character devices are those for which no buffering is performed, and block devices are those which are accessed through a cache. Block devices must be random access, but character devices are not required to be, though some are. Filesystems can only be mounted if they are on block devices.

What are character devices in Linux?

Character devices are devices that do not have physically addressable storage media, such as tape drives or serial ports, where I/O is normally performed in a byte stream.

Which is an example of block special file?

Block special files A block device is any device which performs data I/O in units of blocks. Examples of block special files: /dev/sdxn — mounted partitions of physical storage devices. The file may contain an entire filesystem of its own, and be accessed as if it were a mounted partition on a physical storage device.

What is special purpose file system?

A special purpose file system is basically any file system that is not a disk file system or network file system. This includes systems where the files are arranged dynamically by software, intended for such purposes as communication between computer processes or temporary file space.