What is a cradle in astrology?

What is a cradle in astrology?

Cradle. The Cradle is formed when four planets are connected by three sextile aspects, two trine aspects and one opposition. It is also called a Half-Hexagon because it looks like one-half of a Grand Hexagon (Grand Sextile) configuration. The Cradle is similar in energy to the Grand Sextile.

What does R mean in astrology?

If you see an “R” next to a planet in your birth chart that means it was in retrograde when you were born. Someone with Mercury retrograde in the birth chart may have a reflective or introverted mind.

How do you know if you have a Grand Trine?

A true Grand Trine is when all three planets are in the same element (water, air, earth or fire) in the three separate houses involved. If three lines were drawn to each of the corresponding planets, it would form a nearly or exact equilateral triangle.

What is a mystic triangle in astrology?

In the Magi Astrology, the mystical triangle that is most powerful in fomenting love and romantic attraction is the one that’s formed by the three Magi Romance Planets. And they are Chiron, Venus and Neptune. Ideally, one side is a trine, another side is a square and the third side is a quincunx.

What are Trines in astrology?

Trine. A trine (abbrev. Tri) is an angle of 120° (1/3 of the 360° ecliptic), an orb of somewhere between 5° and 10° depending on the planets involved. The trine relates to what is natural and indicates harmony and ease. The trine may involve talent or ability which is innate.

What does Sun trine Moon mean?

Sun Trine Moon in your natal chart Indicates that there can be a positive harmony of conscious will and your instinctual, emotional, and habitual response patterns to life; fewer inner conflicts between your feeling reactions and the application of your purpose should occur.

What does Moon trine Mars mean?

renamok: Moon trine Mars subjects are fiercely protective and passionate about their family. This is an incredibly sexy combination as it brings out the tender sensitive emotions of the moon ripened by the searing heat of an ardent Mars. This trine achieves incredible success with anything lunar. …

What does conjunct mean in astrology?

The aspect known as “conjunct,” where two planets are in the same sign, is considered soft, as well. Conjunct heavenly bodies tend to mix their respective energies together to make a potent cosmic cocktail. For example, Mercury conjunct Venus foretells of easy communication and free expression of your emotions.

What does Moon square Saturn mean?

When the Moon is in a square position from Saturn, people are starting to feel restricted and more depressed about their personal relationships. During this period, many may find it difficult to interact with others profoundly because they’d be feeling sad, lonely and guilty of things they haven’t done.

What is conjunction of moon and Saturn?

A Saturn Moon Conjunction means that at the time of your birth, the planet Saturn and the moon were in the same house. When two planets are close together, they fight over the energy of that house. The closer the planets are together, the more of an impact they will have on your psyche.

What does Moon square Mercury mean?

The square aspect between the Moon and Mercury indicates inner tension, stress, and frustration, and a need for a radical inner adaptation to rebalance these two conflicting energies. Conscious change is required to overcome conflict between your conscious mind and protective lunar habit patterns.

What does Sun opposite Moon mean?

Astronomically speaking, an opposition between the Sun and Moon in the natal chart occurs when the Moon is Full. On an astrological level it symbolizes an intense push and pull between feelings and conscious aims. The Moon reflects the inner part of his being, and essentially the place he knows well. …

Is the moon opposite the sun?

At full moon, the moon is exactly opposite the sun. This means that the moon rises just as the sun is setting, and sets just as the sun is rising. Because of the Earth’s rotation, the moon is above the horizon roughly 12 hours out of every 24.

What is opposite Moon?

Estranged Moons When moons are quincunx (inconjunct) to each other, they are 150 degrees apart. That means that the element and the modality are both different, making it hard for partners to “get” each other. In this case, the moons are estranged.

When your sun sign and moon sign are opposite?

When your moon is in a completely opposite or incompatible sign to your sun, it can create internal tension in order to meet the needs of each. For example, a Taurus sun wants light sensuality but their Scorpio Moon feels deep intensity, or a Virgo sun wants practicality but a Gemini moon craves variety.

What is the difference between rising sign and moon sign?

While the sun represents the core of yourself and the moon represents your inner self, you can think of your rising sign as being representative of your outer self. “The rising sign or ascendent is the part of ourselves we show to the world. It’s the face we wear for others to see and view,” Stardust says.

What are moon signs and sun signs?

In astrology language, your Sun sign dictates your zodiac personality, while your Moon sign, the second most important influence in your horoscope chart after the Sun, represents your emotions, your inner mood.

What if my sun and moon sign are the same?

Having the same Sun and Moon sign means you’re a Double [insert sign name]. Whatever that sign is, you get a double-helping. Having the same Sun and Moon sign means you’re a Double [insert sign name].