
What is a blue bellied Yankee?

What is a blue bellied Yankee?

noun. dialect, derogatory US. A blue-bellied person, one regarded as low, contemptible, or cowardly; specifically (a) a northerner; (b) a northern soldier, especially during the American Civil War (1861–5).

Is yellow belly a derogatory term?

‘Yellow belly’ is an insult, indicating that the person it is aimed at is a coward.

Why are Lincolnshire called yellow bellies?

These sheep would often graze in the fields of mustard that were once a common sight around Lincolnshire. As their shaggy coat dragged along the ground it would pick up pollen from the mustard flowers and give them, you’ve guessed it, a yellow belly.

What does 💙 mean from a guy?

Meaning of 💙 Blue Heart Emoji It’s Blue, man! So, in the water context it is used to show how deep and stable your ❤️️ Love is to someone. Like the water in the deep-deep ocean or sea. Add Blue Heart to talk also about harmony and peace.

What does it mean if someone is your blue?

Being a personality color blue means you are generally fairly even-tempered unless your emotions take over – then you can become either moody and over-emotional, or cool and indifferent. It’s good to have blue personality friends as they are very caring for their friends and sensitive to their needs.

How do you use blue in a sentence?

Blue sentence example

  1. She handed him a light blue shirt.
  2. Those blue eyes were boring into her soul, searching for heaven only knew what.
  3. The bright blue eyes regarded her thoughtfully.
  4. It had a bright blue cover, which he was careful not to soil.
  5. This zinger out of the blue took me aback.

How do you use feeling blue in a sentence?

Example Sentences I have been feeling blue ever since I have heard that my daughter will be moving abroad for good. It is clear why he is feeling blue now that his son has walked out on the family business. I feel blue every time I think about that time. It makes me so angry also.