What is 35M MOS?

What is 35M MOS?

A human intelligence (HUMINT) collector, MOS 35M, provides support to battlefield commanders and is responsible for information collection operations. They organize and report other incoming forms of intelligence to support their HUMINT research.

What is signal intelligence in the Army?

Signals intelligence specialists oversee the collection and exploitation of electromagnetic signals, including communication and non-communication signals. They operate sophisticated equipment to gather, sort, and scan intercepted foreign communications and non-communications.

Where do cryptologic linguists get stationed?

Training for an Army cryptologic analyst job takes place at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), Presidio of Monterey in Monterey, California, and lasts between six and 18 months.

How long is Army linguist school?

How long is Army linguist school? After Basic Training, you’ll undergo 6 to 18 months of intensive language training at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in Monterey California

How much do FBI contract linguists make?

Contract Linguist Positions ($27 – $41 Per Hour)2011年4月29日

What languages does the CIA look for?

Currently, all three agencies—FBI, CIA, and NSA—consider Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Pashto, Russian, and Urdu as critical, but national security needs are certainly not limited to these languages.

What is the most sought after language interpreter?

What Languages Are In High Demand For Translators?

  • Spanish. Most people will be able to guess correctly that Spanish is the language in the highest demand for translators.
  • Mandarin. Mandarin is another language in very high demand, especially in the international business sector.
  • German.
  • Any Language.

What language is most profitable to learn?

The Most Important Languages To Learn In 2020

  1. Mandarin Chinese. With over one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers in the world, of course it tops the list of most important languages to learn in 2020.
  2. Spanish.
  3. German.
  4. French.
  5. Arabic.
  6. Russian.
  7. Portuguese.
  8. 8. Japanese.

Is becoming a translator worth it?

Ideally, you become a translator not because it’s “worth it”, or enormously lucrative, but for the same reason that writers become writers—you feel you have to. In the private sector, only the largest private translation agencies can afford to maintain a regular staff, and most subcontract the work to freelancers.

How much do translators get paid?

In the U.S., the average salary of a translator is $19.67/hour. However, many language experts earn at least three times the average wage, depending on their skills and area of expertise. A translator or interpreter who is also certified by the American Translators Association can make more than $66/hour