
What is 11B AIT like?

What is 11B AIT like?

11B OSUT is somewhat like a continuation of Basic, but with more advanced and complex tasks. You will have the same Drill Sergeant’s throughout both your Basic and AIT “phases” but other than them informing you that you finished and are now starting the next one, feels not much different.

Where do 11B go to AIT?

Initial training: Initial Training in this MOS is primarily conducted through One Station Unit Training (OSUT), which combines basic training and job training into one single course of instruction. OSUT for 11B, Infantryman is 13 weeks, 3 days at Fort Benning, Georgia.

What happens if you fail PT test in AIT?

In The Military, anytime You fail Your fitness test they temporarily separate You to try to train you ti be able to pass it. They’ll work with You for months, but if You really still can’t pass it even after months of Training. They’ll just discharge You.

Do you get your phone during AIT?

Phase IV of AIT will consist of three weeks, as Soldiers continue to train on the values of the Army and begin focusing on their specific MOS skills. During this phase, Soldiers will continue to receive more privileges such as phone time and weekend liberty.

How many times can you fail a PT test in the Army?

Soldiers who repeatedly fail the APFT or who have two consecutive failures will be subject to separation and/or barred from reenlistment. d. Instructors who fail a record APFT will be removed from instructing. The instructor will be reinstated to instructing once the APFT is passed.

Can the army kick you out for failing a PT test?

Failing an APFT will not get you chaptered out. Failing more than one Record APFT makes it more likely. It will generate a counseling statement stating that you will need to take a diagnostic APFT every 30 days, and must pass a record APFT within 180 days.

What is a Chapter 13 in the Army?

A chapter 13 discharge (General Discharge) is for unsatisfactory performance, such as not passing the PT test, not qualifying with your weapon, undesirable conduct, failure to adapt to military life, etc. It is known as a General Discharge and can be under honorable or dishonorable conditions.

What is a Chapter 15 in the Army?

It permits commanders to resolve allegations of minor misconduct against a soldier without resorting to higher forms of discipline, such as a court-martial. The decision to impose an Article 15 is completely the commander’s.

What is a Chapter 9 in the army?

GENERAL: This is a discharge under honorable conditions. It is issued to a soldier whose military record is satisfactory, but not sufficiently meritorious to warrant an honorable discharge. This is usually appropriate for soldiers who have received nonjudicial punishment (Article 15s) for minor offenses.

What ar covers ASAP?

AR 600-85 Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) (28 Nov 2016)

What is a Chapter 5 17 in the Army?

If you are discharged from the Army under Chapter 5-17, it means you had a physical or mental condition that prevented you from fulfilling your military duties. Soldiers discharged on the grounds of Chapter 5-17 usually receive an honorable discharge.

What is a Chapter 5 8 in the Army?

Chapter 5-8 (Involuntary Separation Due to Parenthood). AR 600-20 requires all single- parent Soldiers or dual military couples with dependents to submit a family care plan.

What is a Chapter 11 in the military?

Chapter 11 military discharges occur during the first 180 days of active duty for unacceptable performance on the grounds of inability, lack of reasonable effort, failure to adapt to the military and/or minor disciplinary infractions.