
What impact if any will recent regulatory changes have on Medigap plans?

What impact if any will recent regulatory changes have on Medigap plans?

Terms in this set (100) What impact, if any, will recent regulatory changes have upon Medigap plans? The Part B deductible will no longer be covered for individuals newly eligible for Medicare starting January 1, 2020.

When you market Medicare Advantage and Part D plans what may you offer as a gift to induce enrollment in a plan?

When you market Medicare Advantage and Part D plans, what may you offer as a gift to induce enrollment in a plan? You may provide gifts or prizes to all potential enrollees during an event that do not exceed $15 in retail value.

How long are you required to maintain scope of appointment SOA documentation?

10 years

What are contact permission guidelines?

Specifically, the Medicare Permission to Contact (PTC) rule outlines when it is okay to contact a current or potential Medicare beneficiary, the specific products they are giving you permission to contact them for, how you can approach them, and when you can contact them.

How long are you required to maintain scope of appointment?

How long is a SOA valid for?

10 additional years

What does Medigap insurance cover?

Medigap is extra health insurance that you buy from a private company to pay health care costs not covered by Original Medicare, such as co-payments, deductibles, and health care if you travel outside the U.S. Medigap policies don’t cover long-term care, dental care, vision care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, and private- …

Is a scope of appointment required for a telephonic presentation?

Complete a Scope of Appointment (SOA). a. An SOA must be completed for all individual marketing appointments, including telephonic sales presentations. If additional health products are to be discussed at an MA/PDP appointment, those products must also be included on the SOA.

What is the scope of appointment?

The Scope of Appointment is a federally required form used to document an appointment between an insurance agent and a Medicare beneficiary to ensure that no other types of products are discussed outside of what the beneficiary originally requested.

What type of events must an agent report to UnitedHealthcare?

What type of events must an agent report to UnitedHealthcare? Only the marketing/sales events, both formal and informal.

How long is an electronic scope of appointment eSOA valid for?

for 14 days

What is a Medicare educational event?

An educational event is an event designed to inform Medicare beneficiaries about Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug or other Medicare programs and does not include marketing/selling.

Do educational events need to be reported to UnitedHealthcare?

Report all changes to educational and marketing/sales events in bConnected no less than 3 business days prior to the date of the event. Report all Educational and/or Marketing Sales events to UnitedHealthcare.

Do Medicare educational events need to be reported?

Putting on Medicare Seminars and Educational Events is a great business practice. You do not need to notify or seek permission from CMS to hold Educational Events.

What activities are permitted at a Medicare educational event?

Market the Event as ‘Educational’ to Enrollees Distributing marketing materials and any material with plan-specific information (such as plan-specific premiums, copayments, or contact information) Distributing or collecting enrollment forms.

When can you enroll in a 5 star Medicare Advantage plan?

When to enroll in a five-star Medicare Advantage plan. If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan rated lower than five stars but you find a five-star plan in your area, you may be able to switch to the five-star plan at any time between December 8 and November 30 of the following year.

Which activity is prohibited at educational events?

Enrollment activities include handing out plan applications, collecting plan applications, and conducting online enrollments. Sales activities (such as handing out plan-specific information) are usually prohibited at educational events; existing-enrollee educational events are the only exception.

What is an informal marketing sales event?

Informal marketing/sales events are conducted with a less structured presentation or in a less formal environment. They typically utilize a table, kiosk or a recreational vehicle (RV) that is manned by a plan sponsor representative who can discuss the merits of the plan’s products.

What is an informal event?

Informal events, on the other hand, are the events which do not adhere to the standard mode of formal dressing and event protocols. They are flexible and can incorporate many elements without paying attention to whether they are formally acceptable or not.

What is a formal marketing sales event?

Formal marketing/sales events are structured events of an audience/presenter style with a salesperson providing specific plan information via a specific CMS-approved sales presentation. Information marketing/sales events are conducted with a less structured presentation or a less formal environment.

When must a marketing sales event be reported to UnitedHealthcare?

UnitedHealthcare policy requires that all events, educational and/or marketing/sales (including formal and informal), be reported to UnitedHealthcare prior to any advertising and no less than 7 calendar days before the date of the event.

Who qualifies CSNP?

A plan must limit membership to these groups: 1) people who live in certain institutions (like a nursing home) or who require nursing care at home, or 2) people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, or 3) people who have specific chronic or disabling conditions (like diabetes, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

During which season are agents not permitted to distribute marketing information about MA or MAPD plans?

Plans/Part D sponsors are prohibited from knowingly targeting or sending unsolicited marketing materials to any MA enrollee or Part D enrollee during the continuous Open Enrollment Period (OEP) (January 1 to March 31).

What is the definition of waste Unitedhealthcare?

Waste is the overutilization of services, or other practices that, directly or indirectly, result in unnecessary costs to a health care benefit program. Waste is generally not considered to be caused by criminally negligent actions but rather the misuse of resources. close.

What is the meaning of the word waste?

to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste money; to waste words. to fail or neglect to use: to waste an opportunity. to destroy or consume gradually; wear away: The waves waste the rock of the shore.

What is the definition of of?

English Language Learners Definition of of : belonging to, relating to, or connected with (someone or something) —used to indicate that someone or something belongs to a group of people or things. : living or occurring in (a specified country, city, town, etc.) preposition.

What is the definition of waste quizlet?

Terms in this set (20) What is waste? any unwanted material or substance that results from a human activity or process. Municipal solid waste.

What is the cheapest and most effective way of dealing with waste?

What is the cheapest and most effective way of dealing with waste? Ex: recycling and incineration to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills.

What is the fastest growing type of solid waste?


What is the largest portion of US municipal solid waste by weight?

Products in MSW The breakdown, by weight, of waste generated in 2010 by product category is shown in Figure 6. Con tainers and packaging made up the largest portion of MSW generated: about 30 percent, or almost 76 million tons.