
What helps the pain of an industrial piercing?

What helps the pain of an industrial piercing?

But if your symptoms are severe — or if this is your first time dealing with infection — you should see your piercer right away.

  1. Don’t play with or remove the jewelry.
  2. Clean the area two to three times per day.
  3. Apply a warm compress.
  4. Apply diluted tea tree oil.
  5. Avoid OTC antibiotics or creams.

How long does industrial piercing pain last?

6 to 8 months

Do industrial piercings ever heal?

The industrial piercing healing process will be the same as any other cartilage piercing. It usually takes around 2 – 3 months to heal, but it could take longer. Talk to your piercer before stopping aftercare practices to make sure that you’re fully healed.

Can I wash my hair with a new industrial piercing?

Tilt your head so that your hair is under the water but your piercing can stay dry as much as possible. You can now begin gently washing your hair. Do your best to keep your jewelry dry and free from stray suds, but just in case, give it an extra rinse and fully dry the piercing once you leave the shower.

What side do you get an industrial piercing?

There’s no “right” choice. You can have your right ear, left ear, or both ears pierced. It just depends on your preference. Here’s one important factor to consider: If you’re a side sleeper, you may want to pierce the ear opposite the side you typically sleep on.

What size is my Industrial bar?

The length of the barbell can range from 28-55mm in length depending on how far apart the piercing holes are located on your ear and of course by how large your ear is. The angle of the piercings and distance between the piercings will determine if a barbell industrial piercing is a good selection for you personally.

How long before you can change an industrial piercing?

5-9 months

How do I know when my industrial piercing is healed?

Another way of knowing when the piercing has fully healed is by seeing that the bar is loose and can move easily without any discomfort or pain. The crust will no longer be visible, and it will not longer feel painful to touch or swollen.