What hearth means?

What hearth means?

1a : a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace. b : the floor of a fireplace also : fireplace. c : the lowest section of a furnace especially : the section of a furnace on which the ore or metal is exposed to the flame or heat. 2 : home longed for the comforts of hearth and home.

What is a hearth stone?

noun. a stone forming a hearth. home; fireside; hearth. a soft stone, or a preparation of powdered stone and clay, used to whiten or scour hearths, steps, floors, etc.

How do you use hearth in a sentence?

Hearth sentence example

  1. He looked at the fire on the hearth .
  2. Sasha sat before the hearth , as if deep in thought.
  3. He set down the tray on the small table near the blazing hearth and sat.
  4. It was past nightfall, and shadows and light from the hearth danced around him.
  5. His pipe lay broken on the hearth .

What’s an example of hearth?

For example modern “cultural hearths” include New York City, Los Angeles, and London because these cities produce a large amount of cultural exports that are influential throughout much of the modern world. Ancient cultural hearths include, Mesopotamia, the Nile River Valley, and the Wei-Huang River Valley.

Why is it called a hearth?

The word hearth derives from an Indo-European root, *ker-, referring to burning, heat, and fire (seen also in the word carbon). Lined hearths are easily identified by the presence of fire-cracked rock, often created when the heat from the fires inside the hearths chemically altered and cracked the stone.

What is the hearth on a fireplace?

A fireplace hearth is the floor area within a fireplace. It is made from noncombustible materials, such as brick or stone.

Does a hearth go inside or outside?

A hearth is sometimes referred to as the ‘inner hearth’ and ‘outer hearth’, located inside and outside of the firebox respectively. In some cases the hearth is the floor located outside of the firebox, while the inner floor of the fireplace can sometimes be known as the ‘firebox floor’.

Does Earth rhyme with hearth?

I think as long as you know they’re talking about a hearth, it doesn’t really matter. I know what you mean, but they do not rhyme, and, moreover, earth in OE was eorþe, which has come not to rhyme with hearth in modern English, so that’s not quite a full and satisfying explanation.

What word rhymes with down?

Words That Rhyme With Down

  • 1 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Down. Awn. Blown. Brawn. Brown. Browne. Clown. Crown. Dawn. Downe. Drawn. Drown. Fawn. Flown. Frown. Gown. Grown. Hewn. Known. Lawn. Lown. Mown. Noun. Own. Pawn. Prawn. Sawn. Sewn.
  • 2 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Down. Around. Disown. Downtown. Dumb down. Renown. Uptown.
  • 3 Syllable Words That Rhyme With Down. Facedown.

Can similar sounding words?

Words that having similar sounds are called homonyms. Within the category of homonyms are two commonly confused concepts: homographs and homophones. Homographs are words that are may have the same spelling, but have different meanings and that may have different pronunciations.

What is the longest homophone in the English language?

The largest homophone set

  • air is the stuff we breathe.
  • are as a measure of land is to be distinguished from the verb of the same spelling, but pronounced to sound just like the letter r.
  • ere is a poetic preposition meaning “before”.
  • e’er Is another poetic expression, a contraction for ever.

What is a word that sounds the same but spelled differently?

Homophones are words that sound the same but are different in meaning or spelling.

What is the homophone of eight?

The answer is simple: ait, ate, eight are homophones of the English language.

What is the homophone for poor?

The words poor, pore, and pour are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings.

What is a homonym for symbol?

The words cymbal, symbol sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Why do cymbal, symbol sound the same even though they are completely different words? The answer is simple: cymbal, symbol are homophones of the English language.

What do you call a word with 2 meanings?

Homonyms, or multiple-meaning words, are words that have the same spelling and usually sound alike, but have different meanings (e.g. dog bark, tree bark).