What happens when you hide a reply on Tumblr?

What happens when you hide a reply on Tumblr?

Replies are simply “deleted.” Now that I’ve “hidden” these, you can only see them on their own blogs here, here, here here, and here. Even these five users won’t see their own post when they open the notes.

Can you delete someones comment?

You can’t delete someone else’s comment on someone else’s post, and you can’t delete someone else’s post on their own wall or someone else’s wall. You can delete a comment posted by someone in a Facebook Group or Page that you manage. The process is identical to deleting someone’s comment on your personal wall.

Will someone know if I delete their comment on Instagram?

When you delete a comment on Instagram, it simply disappears. Nobody gets a notification, so if you have a spammy comment on one of your posts, the only way that the spammer will notice it’s gone is if they go back and look for it.

Can I delete someone else’s comment on Instagram?

On Instagram, you can go back in and delete that comment. But there are limits as to what you have control over. For example, you can delete anyone’s comments on one of your own posts (spammers beware), but you can only delete your own comment on someone else’s post.

Why can’t I delete my comment on Instagram?

The comment may still appear because you’re viewing an old version of the page. We’re aware of this issue and are working on a fix. Keep in mind that you’re only able to delete your own comments or comments that are on your own post. You can’t delete another person’s comments on a post that isn’t yours.

Why can’t I edit my comment on Instagram?

You can’t actually edit a comment once it’s been posted. But you can delete it and rewrite/repost the comment. When you click on one of your posts in Instagram, it opens up the photo and all of the comments in a new screen. If you scroll to the bottom of the comments, there’s the little comment button.

Can you hide all comments on Instagram?

Disable/Turn Off Comments On Your Instagram When you disable commenting, any comments that are currently on your post will be hidden. To turn off comments on your Instagram posts, Tap (iPhone) or (Android) above your post and select “Turn Off Commenting”

Why can’t I remove my phone number from Instagram?

Steps to Remove Mobile Number from Instagram Profile

  • 1] Launch the Instagram app on your phone.
  • 2] On the profile page, click on Edit Profile.
  • 3] Scroll down and tap on Personal Information.
  • 6] You can then tap and delete your mobile number from the text box to remove it from your profile.

How long do you have to wait to deactivate Instagram again?

24 hours

Does Instagram delete deactivated accounts?

Instagram will not delete your account if you deactivate it. Deactivating Instagram accounts is not a sign to Instagram that you want to have your account deleted. Once this is triggered Instagram will try to avoid your personal information being leaked to the intruder. The only way to do this is to delete the account.

Does Instagram delete deactivated accounts after 30 days?

If you don’t log in/reactivate for 30 days, your account will be permanently deleted. You do not need to deactivate your account to change your username or email address; you can change these at any time in your account settings.

How do I get my deactivated Instagram back?

How to reactivate Instagram account?

  1. Step 1: Launch the Instagram app on your device.
  2. Step 2: On the login screen, enter your Instagram credentials associated with the account you wish to reactivate.
  3. Step 3: Tap ‘Login’ and you’re done. This should restore your Instagram account.

What happens to messages when you deactivate Instagram?

What happens to Instagram direct messages when you temporarily disable your account? You will not be able to access your Instagram direct messages while your account is deactivated, but as soon as you log back into your Instagram, all of your messages will be restored.

Do my messages disappear when I deactivate Instagram?

No. The message you send will pin you to the top of the inbox but as soon as you deactivate the account temporarily, it disappears.

How do you delete Instagram DMs on both sides?

To delete Instagram messages from both sides, hold down your message and tap on “Unsend”. Unsending a message will delete it from both sides, so the person you sent it to won’t be able to see it anymore.

Does blocking someone delete DMs?

Blocking a person hides your personal chat threads from each other in DMs. Meaning, the thread will disappear, and you won’t be able to view the messages (until you unblock them).

Why do Instagram DM photos disappear?

Unlike other messages in Instagram Direct, these photos and videos disappear from your friends’ inboxes after they have seen them. And you’ll see if they replayed it or took a screenshot. When a friend sends you a disappearing photo or video, you’ll see it in the bar at the top of your Instagram Direct inbox.

Does Instagram keep deleted photos?

Instagram photos are backed up in the photo albums of your smartphone from where you can restore the deleted/lost Instagram photos. Any other location where you usually save your images.

Does Instagram notify when you Screenshot a DM?

Instagram will only notify you for a screenshot taken of a disappearing photo or video sent in a private DM thread. Instagram does not notify screenshots for stories, posts, reels, permanent DMs, or any other content on the app.

How can you tell if someone opened your DM on Instagram?

Once you send a photo or video message, you’ll be able to check when it was delivered and opened. Your disappearing message can only be replayed once and you’ll be notified if someone takes a screenshot of it. (Regular texts, uploads and reshares are untouched.)

How do you know if your DM was delivered?

How to Tell if Someone Has Read Your Direct Message. Instagram provides immediate feedback to tell you that a message has been read (or at least seen) by its recipient. If the message is private (one on one), you will see ‘Seen’ under your message when the recipient has read it.