What happens in chapter 1 of mice and men?
What happens in chapter 1 of mice and men?
The story begins with George Milton and Lennie Small traveling together along the Salinas River in California to find work. They have work cards indicating that there are jobs available at a nearby ranch, but they decide to stop and sleep in the woods for the evening.
What was the Radley house incident in Chapter 1?
Radley refused to have his son committed to an asylum. When the old man died, Boo’s brother, Nathan, came to live in the house with Boo. Dill is fascinated by Boo and tries to convince the Finch children to help him lure this phantom of Maycomb outside. Eventually, he dares Jem to run over and touch the house.
What happens at the end of Chapter 1 in To Kill a Mockingbird?
After that Boo was locked up by the police briefly, and there was talk of sending him to an insane asylum. In the end, he ended up back in the Radley Place. When Boo’s father died, Boo’s older brother Nathan moved in to take over. Nothing much changed at the Radley Place.
What do we learn about Boo Radley in Chapter 1?
In Chapter 1 of Harper Lee’s novel, Scout describes Boo Radley initially as a “malevolent phantom” because he is credited with acts of vandalism committed in the night. Superstitions about him exist; he has a mysterious history that leads to his reclusive life. Jem and Scout have never seen him.
What do you learn about Maycomb in Chapter 1?
In Chapter one we learn that Maycomb is a mall Southern town in Alabama. There are few secrets in this old small town, “Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it”. The town is segregated by both colour and, to an extent, socio-economic class.
What’s Jems full name?
Jem Finch. Jeremy Atticus “Jem” Finch is Atticus’ son and Scout’s older brother by four years.
What is an example of the Golden Rule in Chapter 12?
An example of the Golden Rule in this chapter is when Reverend Sykes tried to get up a collection for Helen to help her with her problem of not being able to get enough money and be able to take care of herself herself since she can’t get a job because her husband, Tom, was accused of being a rapist.
How old is scout at the beginning of Chapter 16?
Scout mentions that she is almost six years old and Jem is nearly ten when the story begins.
What is under Scout’s bed in Chapter 14?
Atticus breaks up the fight and sends them to bed. Scout discovers something under her bed. She calls Jem in and they discover Dill hiding there. Dill has run away from home because his mother and new father did not pay enough attention to him.
What do we learn about Dill’s family in Chapter 14?
From Dill’s account of why he has run away, the reader learns that Dill is neglected. That he feels unwanted becomes clear when Dill begs Atticus not to make him go back to Meridian and when he “shivered like a rabbit” at the sound of his Aunt Rachel’s “Do—oo Je—sus” coming down the hall towards him.
What happens in chapter 13 of To Kill a Mockingbird?
Unbeknownst to Jem and Scout, Atticus has arranged for Aunt Alexandra to come live with them indefinitely, so that Scout can have some “feminine influence” in her life. Aunt Alexandra leaves her own husband and son behind, but this seems not to bother her at all, really.
What lesson does Scout learn in Chapter 13?
Near the end of Chapter 13 of To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch attempts to teach his daughter, Scout (Jean Louise) that she must obey her Aunt Alexandra’s dictates and adopt a much more ladylike approach to life than she has exhibited previously; Jem, Atticus’s son, is to behave himself as a proper young man of …
What does Scout learn in Chapter 13?
In Chapter 13, Aunt Alexandra moves into the Finch residence. Scout comments that Alexandra is obsessed with heredity and learns about her theory regarding family background. Scout becomes aware of Maycomb’s caste system, and Alexandra convinces Atticus to teach Jem and Scout about their family background.
What happened in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 12?
Summary: Chapter 12 Scout becomes upset and looks forward desperately to Dill’s arrival in the summer. To Scout’s disappointment, however, Dill does not come to Maycomb this year. He sends a letter saying that he has a new father (presumably, his mother has remarried) and will stay with his family in Meridian.
What does Scout learn about herself in Chapter 12?
In Chapter 12, Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to Sunday service at First Purchase African American M.E. Church. As a result of their visit, Scout learns some information about Calpurnia that she never knew. Scout learns that Calpurnia is older than her father and that she celebrates her birthday on Christmas.
Why does Scout cry when they talk to Atticus?
It appears that he is saying it only because Aunt Alexandra demanded that he do so. what makes scout cry while Atticus is talking with her and Jem? She is upset because Atticus is not acting like himself and is telling them things he does not believe in: “This was not my father. My father never thought these thoughts.
How old is Maudie?
around 50 years old
How does Aunt Alexandra treat Scout?
Scout has little in common with her aunt and purposely tries to avoid Alexandra. Alexandra also views Scout as being “dull” because Scout rarely speaks to her when the family gets together. Overall, Aunt Alexandra feels that Scout is an immature tomboy that needs to develop manners as well as social skills.
How is Atticus’s attitude towards Aunt Alexandra shifting?
How is Atticus’s attitude toward Aunt Alexandra changing? He is starting to get irritated and he is becoming more stern with her. Nothing has changed. He is nicer to her and enjoys having her around.
Why do Atticus and Aunt Alexandra argue?
Atticus and Aunt Alexandra learn Calpurnia took children to her church. Aunt Alexandra and Atticus argue over the way Atticus has raised the children, particularly Scout; saying she needs to learn lady-like ways. Scout and Jem fight over causing trouble for Atticus.