
What happens at the end of Glass Menagerie?

What happens at the end of Glass Menagerie?

When Amanda accuses Tom of doing something he is ashamed of every night and accuses him of lying about going every night to the movies, Tom becomes infuriated and tells his mother a fantastic tale and ends by calling her an “ugly — babbling — witch.” Tom tries to get his coat on and in his rapid struggle to leave, he …

What happened to Laura at the end of The Glass Menagerie?

Laura Wingfield: Amanda’s daughter and Tom’s older sister, Laura suffers the results of a childhood illness which left one of her legs malformed and in a brace. As a result, Laura is painfully shy and has withdrawn herself the outside world. She is much like her beloved glass figurines: delicate and frail.

What does Tom mean at the end when he talks about Laura blowing out her candles?

A frustrated poet no longer, he has created this play. Laura’s act of blowing out the candles at the play’s end signifies the snuffing of her hopes, but it may also mark Tom’s long-awaited release from her grip. He exhorts Laura to blow out her candles and then bids her what sounds like a final goodbye.

Why did Jim Kiss Laura in The Glass Menagerie?

Extremely apologetic, Jim tells her that she is different from anyone else he knows, that she is pretty, and that if she were his sister he would teach her to have some self-confidence and value her own uniqueness. He then says that someone ought to kiss her. Jim kisses Laura on the lips.

Who is Jim engaged to in The Glass Menagerie?


Why did Laura give Jim the broken unicorn?

The glass unicorn in Laura’s collection—significantly, her favorite figure—represents her peculiarity. Eventually, Laura gives Jim the unicorn as a “souvenir.” Without its horn, the unicorn is more appropriate for him than for her, and the broken figurine represents all that he has taken from her and destroyed in her.

Does The Glass Menagerie have a villain?

The central character, or the protagonist, of Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie is Tom Wingfield. Tom finds himself in conflict with his own character traits at times, so he is sometimes his own antagonist.

Why does Jim Ask Laura dance?

Why does Jim ask Laura to dance? Jim has made Laura feel more normal than she has ever felt.

What is Tom’s reason for not paying the power bill?

Hence, Tom simply left- may sound rude, at first, but if you really read the entire story you would more than agree with him in the end. Tom did not pay the electric bill that Amanda told him to pay and, instead, he used the money for the Union of the Merchant Marines…

Who does Amanda beg Tom not to be like?

To outsiders who do not love her as family, Tom insists, Laura must seem peculiar. Amanda begs him not to use words like “crippled” and “peculiar” and asserts that Laura is strange in a good way. Tom gets up to leave.

How does Amanda act towards Jim?

How does Amanda act towards Jim? She is rude and sarcastic. She reverts to her girlish charms and talks incessantly at him. She ignores Jim and talks at him through Laura.

What advice is Jim giving Tom in Scene Six?

Jim encourages Tom to join him in the public speaking course he is taking. Jim is sure that he and Tom were both meant for executive jobs and that “social poise” is the only determinant of success. However, Jim also warns Tom that, if Tom does not wake up, the boss will soon fire Tom at the warehouse.

Why did Laura quit going to business school?

Q. Why did Laura quit business college? A boy in the class was making passes at her and she got scared. She was nervous in class and became physically ill during her first speed test.

What is Jim’s nickname for Tom?


Why is Laura so anxious about Tom and Amanda getting along?

Why is Laura so anxious about Tom and Amanda getting along? They aren’t wealthy, so they don’t have a porch, but Amanda had one (used to sit on the porch & entertain 17 gentlemen callers). Also, a porch is designed to relax and linger and a fire escape is designed to escape.

Why does Amanda make Tom not be a drunkard?

Why does Amanda make Tom promise not to be a drunkard? She fears Tom will become like his father. Why do the stage directions often call for a light to shine on Laura when she is not part of a conversation? When the play begins, Tom is dressed in a merchant sailor uniform.

What happens to Laura as she goes to purchase groceries in Scene 4?

Laura gets Tom out of bed and implores him to apologize to their mother. He remains reluctant. Amanda then sends Laura out to buy groceries on credit. On the way down the fire escape, Laura slips and falls but is not hurt.

Why is it significant that Amanda calls Laura sister?

In this passage, Amanda refers to Laura as her “little sister”. By calling Laura her little sister instead of her daughter, she does not have to admit to herself, or anyone else, that she is old enough to be a mother. She also doesn’t have to take responsibility for Laura as a mother.

What is a gentleman caller in The Glass Menagerie?

To Amanda this gentleman caller represents the path to a secure financial future as Laura’s husband. Their marriage would allow her, the mother-in-law, a place to live.

What does Blue Mountain symbolize in The Glass Menagerie?

The color blue in the name Blue Mountain further represents and underscores Amanda’s sorrows. Hence, one thing the mountain symbolizes is Amanda’s feeling of isolation as she longs for her past.

How does Amanda earn extra money in The Glass Menagerie?

Tom says that in order to make a little extra money and thereby increase the family’s ability to entertain suitors, Amanda runs a telephone subscription campaign for a magazine called The Homemaker’s Companion. The cover of a glamour magazine appears on the screen, and Amanda enters with a telephone.

Why does Amanda nag at Tom so much?

IQRA AQEEL-007 6 | P a g e Why does Amanda nag at tom so much? Amanda nags her son Tom about the proper way to chew his food, she reprimands him for going to the movies too much. She returns a book he is reading to the Library because she thought it was inappropriate. She accuses him of being selfish.

How old is Amanda Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie?

She has a 23-year-old daughter [Lange has a 24-year-old daughter and two other children], so if you figure Amanda was 25 when she had her daughter, she would only be 48 at the time of the play.

How is Amanda’s character ironic in The Glass Menagerie?

To answer your question about Amanda being ironic: She is an icon that represents the stranded, stagnant, and quite unconventional Old South. Amanda was strategically given characteristics that go hand in hand with her way of mind, and mannerisms: They conform to the dynamics of the US South its paradigms.

Is Amanda a good mother in The Glass Menagerie?

Amanda also looks into the future, making what she calls “plans and provisions,” single-mindedly for her children. In fact, as annoying as all the nagging about keeping one’s elbows off the table is, Amanda is actually a very loving mother. In fact, she spends a lot of her stage directions just looking at his portrait.

What is the irony of the poem Amanda?

The last stanza of the poem Amanda is quite ironic because it is her mother who nags her which makes Amanda sad and disappointed but her mother asks her not to feel sad even because that way anyone could figure out that she has been nagged! This shows the amount of control Amanda’s behaviour as well.

What job does Amanda get in The Glass Menagerie?

Mention of the gentleman caller pops into every conversation in the Wingfield apartment, and the stage is haunted by the gentleman caller’s projected image. Because it will take money to make their home presentable, Amanda takes a job searching for subscribers to The Homemaker’s Companion, a magazine for women.

Why does Tom leave in The Glass Menagerie?

Narrator Tom gives his closing speech and reveals that he left his family shortly after that night, seeking adventure and other non-boring activities. Tom makes it clear that he always felt guilty about leaving Laura, and couldn’t get her out of his mind.

Who is the heroine The Glass Menagerie Why?

Keira Keeley as Laura Wingfield. Judith Ivey as Amanda Wingfield. Michael Mosley as Jim O’Connor.

Who is the heroine The Glass Menagerie?

Katharine Hepburn