What font is the LOVE sculpture?

What font is the LOVE sculpture?

Love is a pop art image by American artist Robert Indiana. It consists of the letters L and O over the letters V and E in bold Didone type; the O is slanted sideways so that its oblong negative space creates a line leading to the V.

Why is the O crooked in the Love statue?

The slanting of the O was designed intentionally as to have the negative spaces forming a V in between the letters, which as Indiana says “makes the letters dynamic.” Before long, the popularity of the piece brought the piece to serve as a print image for the 1964 Museum of Modern Art Christmas card, then becoming a …

Who is the artist of the LOVE sculpture?

Robert Indiana

Where is the Love Statue in New York?

New York’s LOVE Statue Located on the corner of 55th and 6th Avenue is debatably Indiana’s most famous work: the LOVE statue (formally known as “love red blue.” This piece has been a hotspot for tourists and New Yorkers, alike.

HOW BIG IS THE LOVE sculpture?

3.66 m x 3.66 m x 1.83 m

What is the sculpture in Chicago?

Cloud Gate sculpture

Who made the love sign?

Where is the Love Statue in Indianapolis?

the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields

Is Robert Indiana still alive?

Deceased (1928–2018)

Who made the famous love image?

Artist Robert Indiana

What materials did Robert Indiana use?

Indiana, like some of his fellow artists, scavenged the area’s abandoned warehouses for materials, creating sculptural assemblages from old wooden beams, rusted metal wheels, and other remnants of the shipping trade that had thrived in Coenties Slip.

How old is Robert Indiana?

89 years (1928–2018)

What does the name pop art come from?

The term “Pop Art” was coined in 1955 by Lawrence Alloway, a British curator and critic. Pop Art was the art of popular or “material” culture and was a revolt against the status quo and the traditional views of what art should be. It was a new form of “popular” art that was low cost and mass produced.

Where did Robert Indiana go to school?

St John’s Land, The University of Edinburgh

Where did Robert Indiana go to high school?

Skowhegan School Of Painting & Sculpture

What year did pop art start?


What inspired Ben Eine?

Eine eventually developed his own creative style; he started to seek out commercial graffiti work after attending a workshop in Leonard Street, London. Eine’s commercial work inspired him to create a variety of lettering styles including circus, neon, shutter, vandalism, wendy, and elton.

Where did Robert Indiana die?

Vinalhaven, Maine, United States

What type of artist is Robert Indiana?

Pop art

Who made paintings of comic book art?

Roy Fox Lichtenstein

Where was Robert Indiana born?

New Castle, Indiana, United States