What foil means in math?

What foil means in math?

more A handy way to remember how to multiply two binomials. It stands for “First, Outer, Inner, Last”

How do you factor a foil?

Remember that when you FOIL, you multiply the first, outside, inside, and last terms together. Then you combine any like terms, which usually come from the multiplication of the outside and inside terms. For example, to factor x2 + 3x – 10, follow these steps: Check for the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) first.

What is the difference between FOIL method and distributive property?

The FOIL Method is a process used in algebra to multiply two binomials. The lesson on the Distributive Property, explained how to multiply a monomial or a single term such as 7 by a binomial such as (4 + 9x). This is where the FOIL Method comes in.

What does foil mean in biology?

First, Outside, Inside, and Last

What is the foil method in genetics?

The FOIL method, whether used in math or genetics, stands for First, Outside, Inside, and Last.

What gamete possibilities could come from this parent’s genotype AaBb?

There are four possible combinations of gametes for the AaBb parent. Half of the gametes get a dominant A and a dominant B allele; the other half of the gametes get a recessive a and a recessive b allele. Both parents produce 25% each of AB, Ab, aB, and ab.

Can As marry AA?

Compatible genotypes for marriage are: AA marries an AS. You’ll end up with kids with AA and AS which is good. But sometimes if you’re not lucky all the kids will be AS which limits their choice of partner. AS and AS should not marry, there is every chance of having a child with SS.

Can as and as get married without giving birth to SS?

The most common of these pieces of advice is for carriers of the Sickle gene (AS, SS, SC) not to marry fellow carriers of the Sickle gene. Thus, people with AS, SS and SC genotype are advised to marry only people who have the AA genotype to avoid the possibility of having SS babies.

Is it possible for AA and as to give birth to SS?

Originally Answered: Can AA and AS genotypes give birth to SS? No. An AA carrier will give the A allele to each gamete. Therefore, statistically, half of the offspring will be normal (AA) and half will be unaffected carriers for the sickle disease (AS or sickle trait).

Can 2 as genotype marry each other?

Options: 2. The two AS genotype partners can decide to marry and have no children. Or they may decide to marry, have no children and adopt children instead.

Which genotype is more prone to malaria?

Children with genotype AA (92.3%) were more susceptible to malaria parasite than AS (5.1%) and SS (2.6%). The association of haemoglobin genotype with malaria was highly significant (p<0.001).

Which blood group is most powerful?

Of the eight main blood types, people with type O have the lowest risk for heart disease. People with types AB and B are at the greatest risk, which could be a result of higher rates of inflammation for these blood types. A heart-healthy lifestyle is particularly important for people with types AB and B blood.